Example sentences of "group of [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 And had not a pupil of the Arden Convent school complained that he had pinched her bottom while conducting a group of girls on a tour round the Palace of Westminster ?
2 A similar focus on the war 's effect in shattering class barriers is present in In Which We Serve ( 1942 ) , where the trigger to unity is a torpedoed destroyer rather than a crashed plane , The Gentle Sex ( 1943 ) , which follows a group of women as they are trained to become competent fighters , and Millions Like Us ( 1943 ) , which brings together a mixed group of girls in an aircraft engineering factory .
3 For instance , the appearance of the partitive expression " one of the ministers ' later in the narrative presupposes an earlier reference to the group of ministers as a whole .
4 Small centres of excellence are a good idea ; and bringing together a group of experts in a subject could produce some interesting research .
5 A French Officer is speaking to a small group of NCOs as a thick mist is forming all around .
6 A useful way of keeping candidates to the order which suits you , apart from giving them an idea of the sequence of questioning at the top of the interview , is to preface each group of questions with an explanatory sentence or two .
7 So you would feel equally at home there with a group of friends on a night out or just popping in for a quiet drink and a chat .
8 Sarah Monelle , 21 , above , was waiting with a group of friends for a taxi after a Christmas party at her local rugby club .
9 The boy was playing with a group of friends in a home made den near the Leisure Centre at Shaw Ridge in Swindon .
10 They talked about Robert 's exhibition , and to an outsider the scene would have appeared normal : a group of friends in an English house on an English evening .
11 Before the enrolment of a new group of students onto a programme , centres are required to submit to HCIMA three copies of assessment scheme and information listed below for the areas of study to be offered in the coming session .
12 In one study a random group of residents in a home for the elderly and infirm were given a house plant to own and look after .
13 A group of residents in an old peoples ' home may between them be confronting many occasions of loss and death ; the handling of these matters requires sensitivity too .
14 Within the group of authorities with an establishment over 300 , 12 of the 15 libraries ( 80% ) specifically budgeted an amount for training , 71% of libraries with establishments of between 100–300 did so , while only 55% of small libraries specifically budgeted money for training .
15 According to the Marxist view , a class is a group of persons with a common relationship to the means of production and so is defined in all societies in economic terms .
16 You move into a group of houses within a walled compound , provided with all the security services you require .
17 General SA ( see also ) references may also be made to an entire group of headings as an economy measure , for instance ,
18 But the officer continued to look out of the window , while the Feldwebel slapped his knee with enthusiasm and , pointing to a group of civilians on a corner of the pavement , nudged the driver in the ribs .
19 It is this existence of policies determining most everyday practice in a department that provides the most crucial group of constraints for a new minister .
20 Although the economy was at the centre of people 's concern in these elections , Keating spiced up his campaign by announcing his plan to abolish the Queen as head of state by the year 2001 — the centenary of Australia 's conversion from a group of colonies to a federation of states — and turn the country into a federal republic .
21 This would coincide with the centenary of Australia 's conversion from a group of colonies to a federation of states .
22 In his most persuasive ( but unrepeated ) experiment , he trained a group of pigeons in a loft into which he experimentally made the wind blowing from the south to smell of olive oil , and the wind from the north to smell of turpentine ( another group had the directions of the smells reversed ) .
23 You can separate this group of instructions into a small sub-program .
24 People finally settled on a kind of threshing movement of both arms , which , when combined with the crouch , made the congregation look like a group of canoeists on a particularly tough stretch of water .
25 The EC labelling will revolve around an international panel , comprising representatives of industry , trade unions , environmentalists and consumers , who will draw up criteria for each group of products on a " cradle to grave " basis .
26 The information disclosed in published accounts may relate to a single company or to a group of companies under a holding company .
27 A small group of horses in a paddock , perhaps three or four individuals , is more satisfactory than a large group .
28 She noticed that several of the school parties were starting , tentatively to join up ; those of her own friends who were not suffering in the Ladies ' saloon were talking , intermittently , to a group of boys from a school in Birmingham .
29 It justified this decision by boasting a stronger and more interesting group of works in a larger auction in which 169 lots were sold for £1.57 million ( $2.32 million ) , with only twenty-three lots failing to find buyers .
30 Assault on a constable is one of a group of offences with a somewhat complicated family connection .
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