Example sentences of "most [noun pl] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 COHSE argues that most trusts are waiting for a system to prove itself somewhere else before showing their hands — and that PRP will not work unless there is money to fund it .
2 THE EXODUS from East Europe continued unabated yesterday , with thousands leaving and many would-be emigres defying attempts by the Communist authorities to prevent their crossing into Czechoslovakia , from where most refugees are fleeing to the West .
3 Much of what business needs to carry out new information strategies is simply not being provided , he says ; ‘ most organisations are going through an architectural crisis at the moment due to the absence of strategic planning and management . ’
4 As the article by Dr Stuart Nelson in this issue ( p11 ) points out , most SMEs are looking for immediate benefits by improving their products and processes with existing technology at low risk .
5 As a result , most firms are talking about paying higher dividends .
6 It 's the second mix on the B-side most spinners are plumping for , riding into tranceland on a deep repetitive bassline and helped along by fountains of floaty keyboards that wash you away into hypno-city .
7 More than half of the comprehensive schools in existence by 1968 were of the orthodox 11–18 variety , and most arrangements were crystallizing around the approved versions of 10/65 .
8 Charles 's own inclination was always towards a pro-French and anti-Dutch policy , though marriages between the Stuart family and the ruling Dutch House of Orange slightly restrained him and by the 1670s most Englishmen were beginning to be a little worried by the increasing power of France .
9 For instance , the considerable differences in the number of interactions ( compare , for example , the pseudonymous Claybourn and Greystock ) is partly a function of their length : a relatively tow number of interactions does not indicate prolonged periods of silence , and most teachers were interacting with children most of the time .
10 And whereas most forces are coping with a rocketing crime rate , Gloucestershire are reporting shoplifting down by 13 percent … bike thefts down by 9 percent , and vehicle thefts reduced by 3 percent .
11 Most anglers are concentrating on the Tiverton and Beeston sections where roach and skimmers are taking punched bread and gozzer .
12 Providing support generally in a class where most children are struggling with the work , discouraged or disaffected .
13 Indeed , a confident SGI can still afford to open manufacturing sites when most others are ducking for cover .
14 The servants believed there was some blight on Iskandara and her mother — they had gossiped across Alexandra in her nursery when she was supposedly too small to understand — some blight so that only daughters were born to these remarkable women who craved sons , and lone daughters at that , born late , at a time when most women were coming to an end of their childbearing .
15 Since most women were working in occupations classified as unskilled , or at best semi-skilled , it is no surprise to find that they were almost uniformly badly paid .
16 As most actors are looking for someone they 'll be happy to hang around with for years to come , they tend to choose subjects they like and approve of .
17 From as early as 1708 most Tories were pushing for peace , so long as suitable terms could be reached with France .
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