Example sentences of "to do with the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 He now clearly concedes that this , too , has everything to do with the man in the No 8 shirt .
2 ‘ There 's an art to tackling and it 's nothing to do with the elbows in faces , eye-poking , testicle-grabbing and raking opponents down their Achilles tendons that he talks about .
3 I 'm an old hand at Falcon Sailing — it 's thanks to them I know that a holding tank 's nothing to do with the Russians in Prague .
4 The second reason is a nagging doubt that perhaps we are researching fictions of our own making ; that is , we are producing theories about experimental subjects in laboratory situations which have nothing to do with the individual in society .
5 ‘ And I do n't see what that has to do with the problem in hand . ’
6 Dr Sambataro felt very strongly about the decision to send troops to Russia ; he had a lot to do with the army in the course of his work .
7 ‘ . All quite true of course , but it has little or nothing to do with the passage in question , whoch focuses very markedly not on Aeneas but on his father Anchises :
8 The justification for using a hierarchy is mathematical , and has to do with the way in which the total variability of a collection is successively reduced as one passes from higher to lower levels in the hierarchy .
9 After reading this you will not be an expert on fusion science , but you will realise that fusions fluctuating fortunes have had a lot to do with the way in which the science and technology developed .
10 The secret of whetting an audience 's appetite for music of the long-distant past has much to do with the way in which it is presented .
11 The second point that could cause confusion on the printouts is to do with the way in which stitches are to be cast on or off , increased or decreased and so on .
12 One set of issues has to do with the way in which science and technology so drastically alter previous patterns of life that they erode and undermine the social , ethical and spiritual values which had been encapsulated and preserved in them .
13 This has to do with the way in which network membership involves possession of the social skills and reciprocal relationships which that membership entails .
14 Another reason for expecting fundholders ' referral rates to fall after April 1991 had to do with the way in which their budgets were set .
15 The success of the cold war formula had everything to do with the way in which , at least in the West , it commanded a broad bipartisan political consensus and incorporated the dominant parties of the Left .
16 Third , the injustices against which prisoners struggle are not merely to do with the way in which we run our prisons .
17 It is not for me to help Scottish Tories in those circumstances , but I suggest to them that it may have something to do with the way in which the Government treat Scotland in legislative terms .
18 The point we want to make for immediate purposes has to do with the way in which methodological problems arise from particular conceptions of the " order of things " .
19 I mean is n't it really using a computer is merely a facilitator , like using a car is a simple way of transport , and therefore whether or not it facilitates is nothing to do with the system itself , it 's to do with the way in which it 's used .
20 It 's to do with the Indians in a funny sort of way .
21 As with the prohibition to do with the tree in the midst of the Garden , God gives no explanation .
22 He was quick , she noticed , to take her up on any casual remark and supposed that his interest in other people 's affairs and their reactions had something to do with the novelist in him .
23 How far all this was homesickness or a defensive strategy against ( anticipated ? ) rejection by the surrounding community , or just sheer stubbornness , I now ca n't tell , but I knew even then that it had nothing to do with the world in which I was trying to live .
24 Much has to do with the context in which the data is interpreted .
25 Rules are arbitrary in character and are to do with the manner in which people choose between alternative modes of conduct .
26 The respect afforded him in England had partly to do with the manner in which he had taken on the mantle of English culture ; in the absence of any figure with equivalent influence , he was eventually to be invested with an almost shamanistic authority .
27 While psychoanalysis itself probably had little to do with the decline in accepted religious belief , its early popularizes only benefited from it .
28 You know , probably , that Malduin would n't have anything to do with the fortifications in Fife and the Lothians , and would only release his land-workers when under a direct order from my lord your husband . ’
29 Unfortunately , a doctor or psychologist may sometimes reinforce parents ' concern by remarking , ‘ Well , of course , he 's adopted , ’ when this has nothing to do with the matter in question .
30 ‘ What 's she got to do with the matter in hand ? ’
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