Example sentences of "to do [det] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nor did their broadcasts attribute any part of the story to me — there was no reason for them to do that because I 'd told them nothing they did n't already know .
2 I 'm rather reluctant to do that because I have absolutely no basis for knowing how long negotiations of this sort are likely to take , erm and if I say well er that such negotiations must be completed by
3 I do n't want to do that because I have a young family and I like living in Hoylake . ’
4 Well I said that 's a complicated way but I have to do that when I go over to Marks and Spencers you see .
5 But it would simply look like an admission of guilt and I 'm damned If I 'm going to do that when I 've nothing to hide . ’
6 Marie used to do that when I met her — you know , sleep all day and then go out at night .
7 She said go now to the electrical desk and you can pay for them when no I do n't want to do that and I made her come out with me and see I picked up those teddies in the bags and I went back in and put them by the electrical desk
8 Killing whales is not a thing that you should go round doing and and yet John 's quite happy to do that and I support John in in that approach .
9 We would have to get a special cradle to do that and I have no real idea as to how long his nerve will hold .
10 You know because if you are going to ask an employer to enter into a contract between the between an individual employee , then really you 've got to give him some advantages to do that and I think that er I do n't know what the figures are or the number of final salary pension schemes that have been launched in the last couple of years , but I should think it be , be quite few and I think that there is a difficulty that if we go too far in taking power away from the er from the employer , erm then I , I can see the demise of final salary pension schemes , so I think one 's got to keep a balance there of erm you know that i that you must n't turn the employee off completely from this type of scheme .
11 I acquired the skills to do this before I knew about the world , purely because of God 's will .
12 In the end I agreed to do this but I remember leaving the meeting literally , I am afraid , in tears and saying that although I would obey the majority I would resign from the Government afterwards as quietly as I could because I should have failed to uphold an almost lifelong conviction …
13 I have always wanted to do this as I love my hair and can do a lot with it .
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