Example sentences of "place of a [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although the 1624 Act against letting an individual hold a monopoly meant that no businessman could take the place of a trading company , there was no reason why an individual should not hold a charter as a great landlord .
2 On more than one occasion he had had to remove a dead dog from the highway and take it in his barrow to the incinerator , and there were times when he had to take the place of a night watchman who had been taken ill on one of the larger roadworks and stay there until he could be relieved .
3 Most of us are used to the familiar Baker Street landmark now , its squat green ( copper ) dome topped with a disconcertingly transparent Saturn in the place of a weather vane .
4 However , the pattern is changing , and one recent development is the introduction of camcorders which have power-zoom toggles but no manual zoom lever ; another change is the substitution of toggle-switches in place of a focus ring .
5 But sources claim that in place of a family atmosphere , a more mainstream business mentality is setting in .
6 RIGHT Although head collars which attach over the dog 's nostrils are now widely-available in place of a neck collar and leash , they are not recommended for short-faced breeds such as the bulldog , as shown here .
7 In place of a draft provision which gave protection in all cases where criminal or disciplinary proceedings were possible in a third State , the final Convention text allows States to declare that they will respect privileges and duties under the law of third States to the extent specified in the declaration .
8 The Mental Health Act of 1959 enables a judge , with the approval of two doctors , to impose a hospital order in place of a prison sentence .
9 A substitution note is a note which takes the place of a harmony note immediately adjacent to it ( sometimes above , sometimes below ) .
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