Example sentences of "place on the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Islam traditionally held an important place on the political stage or the West Bank .
2 ( c ) Undertakings A variety of undertakings are possible in order to facilitate a completion taking place on the agreed date .
3 His unusual combination of financial expertise with millenarian enthusiasm gained him a place on the small council of state that administered the country until the Nominated Assembly ( or Barebone 's Parliament ) took over in July 1653 .
4 They 're a mile from the nearest road and accessible only by foot , unless of course you 're one of the thousands of seabirds wheeling and jostling for a place on the rocky ledges .
5 The fair gradually declined during the 1930 's and ceased just before the Second World War ; but it has continued to be proclaimed each St Swithin 's Day , except when this falls on a Sunday and then the custom usually takes place on the following day .
6 Service after 4 pm on a weekday or 12 noon on a Saturday is deemed to have taken place on the following day or on Monday as the case may be ( RSC , Ord 65 , r 7 ) .
7 However , a similar action by Army officers took place on the following day .
8 The first meeting took place on the following Monday , 7th June , when the seven members present made the momentous choice of Hope as chairman .
9 The events taking place on the concrete track are not subject to change ; they recur every Monday morning , summer and winter , rain or shine .
10 It takes place on the Caribbean island of Silver-store , where pirates murder many of the English colony and a detachment of Marines left to guard them ; the rest are taken prisoner but contrive to escape .
11 A similar appeal in May turned up new faces , several of whom are still in the reckoning for a place on the under-international panel .
12 The year 1973 came close to repeating the triumphs of 1972 but , as usual in FI , other cars were catching up with the Lotus , though not in qualifying , for 1973 was the year in which Ronnie Peterson notched an astonishing nine pole positions and a place on the front row in twelve of the season 's fifteen races , as against one and five for Emerson , Peterson finishing a mere three points behind Fittipaldi .
13 ‘ If you 're going to enjoy Tivoli as it deserves to be enjoyed , I think for tonight at least we should call a truce , ’ he suggested , apparently unaware of her intense reaction to his touch , as they walked past the Pantominteatret , where a performance of the traditional Italian pantomime was taking place on the open-air stage .
14 It was already unlocked , a key in place on the other side .
15 I caught Ewen Mackay 's swift glance as he resumed his place on the other side of the fireplace .
16 When he looked up , Yuan was watching from his place on the other side of the dining area .
17 ‘ There 's a better place on the other side of the bridge , ’ Carson told her , and they walked on .
18 So Giles decided to make an all-day excursion to a place on the other side of the mountains , about ten miles away .
19 Bartocci took his place on the other side of the desk .
20 She swallowed , then , taking another deep breath , she said quickly , ‘ In fact there 's a place on the other side of town ; it 's called Conway House and it caters especially for handicapped people … ’
21 LYNDON Harrison , Euro MP for Cheshire West , has gained a place on the European Parliament 's Monetary Committee .
22 Racing also took place on the frozen River Ouse in 1607 and Charles I witnessed a race on Acomb Manor during a visit in 1633 .
23 There 's a scuffle taking place on the adjacent platform : you hear the yells and the fists .
24 King 's Lynn was one of the busiest seaports in the country in the Middle Ages , and although the sea has receded , leaving the town inland , it is still a busy place on the Great Ouse .
25 THERE is always much excitement in steam operations on the main line but we should not forget the amount of effort taking place on the preserved lines especially as now the Santa Season is in full swing .
26 Wagon-loads of fish , fruit , salted meat , English wool and Flemish velvets , each wagon jostling for a place on the rutted track .
27 It is likely that such a move would then secure Athey the place on the unrestricted List Two that he wants .
28 Reluctantly she turned her eyes away , then gasped as her eyes fell on a painting in pride of place on the only wall at which she had not as yet glanced .
29 Advice sessions , taking place on the black groups ' own premises , have begun .
30 Answering questions about the Burgundy region and Burgundy wines won her a place on the inaugural cruise of a new P&O England-France ferry , Pride of Burgundy .
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