Example sentences of "although there be [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We understand from the Office of Fair Trading and the Consumer Credit Sub-Committee of the Institute of Trading Standards Administration that — although there is clearly opportunity for it within the close-knit personal relationship between the check trader and the customer — exploitation of customers seems very rare .
2 However , although there is clearly scope for raising revenue in this way , the amounts
3 English has no dental or labiodental plosive phonemes , so in these cases , although there is clearly assimilation , there could not be said to be a substitution of one phoneme for another .
4 The Middle Temple was where Elizabeth I was reputed to have attended the first documented performance of Twelfth Night , in 1602 , although there is now doubt about this .
5 Although there is now supervision of the investigation of some complaints , the actual investigation is still by the police .
6 It was the larger farmers who gained in practice , although there is still disagreement over why ( whether seeds and fertilisers are scale neutral , but other inputs are not , or whether high yielding varieties ( HYV 's ) are less robust and larger farmers have the necessary economic and political power to control growing environments better ) .
7 Although there is still disagreement as to the relative significance of the various possible mechanisms of plate motion , recent assessments have indicated that the pull of descending lithospheric slabs is the predominant driving force .
8 He now reads as well as other children his age , although there is still room for improvement in numeracy .
9 Even if the rights being asserted are in reality a reflection of parental responsibility to ensure that children receive a suitable education ( although there is inevitably dispute between parent and state about the meaning of ‘ suitable ’ in this context ) , such responsibility gives rise to a considerable amount of power and authority .
10 We also show that the lower bound on payoffs to Nash equilibrium , derived by Fudenberg and Levine , applies in our model although there is always revelation of a player 's type .
11 The former is almost identical with an illustration in a veterinary book of 1900 , although there are also examples of paring knives which had by then , presumably , almost replaced the butteris .
12 Although there are again differences in the use of scales in different contexts , there is generally a relatively high level of agreement between the two sets of risk ratings .
13 We may therefore conclude in relation to bargaining structures ( whether centralised or decentralised ) that although there are clearly forces making for change in all countries their extent should , perhaps , not be over-estimated — especially not those changes which may appear to produce convergent systems .
14 The range of products described earlier exists for valid and necessary reasons although there are often similarities in formulation between different products .
15 A local plan , however , is still a fairly new procedure but gathering in momentum although there are still authorities which do not have formal plans and even where there is such a plan they often only cover parts of the authority 's administration area , usually the central area only .
16 Most of the machinery has long gone although there are still remains of several of its large diameter , but fairly narrow , water wheels .
17 The Lord has won a victory over my feelings in this area although there are still skirmishes from time to time !
18 Although there are now trains which can travel in excess of 200 mph , supersonic planes which take passengers across the Atlantic in three hours , and spacecraft which can carry passengers at fifteen times the speed of sound , our ancestors used more stylish forms of transport .
19 ‘ The Pole should be achieved around January 4 — although there are obviously ifs and buts before then . ’
20 Vern Zelmer , managing director of Rank Xerox ( UK ) Ltd , says that they swap information with IBM , DEC and other competitors , although there are inevitably limits on what sort of information is disclosed .
21 Although there was both urbanization and industrialization in Sri Lanka during the British period , neither of these processes were carried very far .
22 She kept a cow , and although there was only water from a well ‘ up top of the garden ’ , this was another spotless house : ‘ she always kept a nice white cloth down over her stair matting , washed and ironed each week .
23 Although there was always precision team work , they also had solo spots within the number , called ‘ individuals ’ by the Girls .
24 It trivialises the issue to say that it was merely the result of panic — although there was certainly panic in good measure .
25 These surveys tended to assume that certain species were typical of a particular habitat , although there were also studies of the changing proportions of species in differing locations .
26 Joan Thirsk 's brilliant examination of these variations , region by region , illustrates this for the period from 1500 onwards ( 103 , pp.1–112 ) , and there is no reason to believe that a similar diversity did not exist at the earlier period also , although there were probably changes in detail in particular areas , such as those caused by climatic change to which allusion was made in Chapter 1 .
27 On Jan. 28 Goulding said that " one of the conditions which has always been there for the deployment of the UN force in Yugoslavia , namely a stable ceasefire , has now been fulfilled " , although there were still violations of the ceasefire , albeit " comparatively minor " ones .
28 He was in many ways a remarkable Prime Minister , although there were obviously faults — and some grave faults — that history alone will assess in determining whether or not he ranks among the greats .
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