Example sentences of "although [pers pn] had [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I asked although I had already decided that Harvey was a little drunk .
2 Although I had already spoken to her about past lives , Maxine was not at all sure that she believed in the concept .
3 Although I had certainly saved the palace , I knew it was a crime , punishable by death , to make water anywhere near the palace .
4 Although I had now done a few television interviews , I was still a relative novice and there was so much that I wanted to get across to all the people watching .
5 Although I had always lived in a freezing cold damp house and spent a lot of my own childhood in hospital and even remember my own mum referring to our flats as pneumonia houses , in my ignorance I had never made the connection between our living conditions , ill health and the social and environmental climate .
6 There was even a suggestion that I was one of Juval Aviv 's sources for the Interfor Report , although I had never met the man or even seen his report at that point .
7 Strathbeg is one of the least known and yet most delightful lochs in Scotland and I was aware of its reputation , having discovered it whilst researching my book The Trout Lochs of Scotland , although I had never fished there .
8 Mrs Singh filled them in although she had already expressed alarm at the number of notes she was going to have to write to the school .
9 They were country people in a sense that Melanie was not , although she had just come from the green fields and they might have lived in London all their lives .
10 Cleo had never , to her knowledge , seen a ghost , although she had often sensed their presence in the shadowed , tragedy-haunted alleys of the Burrows .
11 They finally came down on the side of 36-year-old Anne Bancroft , although she had seldom played comedy , having made her name in such powerful dramas as The Miracle Worker and The Pumpkin Eater .
12 However , she maintained the moral impetus of her early years , although she had quite cast off its derivations and turned her back upon its fraudulent source ; the narrow fervours and disapprovals were there , but their objects had subtly altered over the years .
13 Although she had occasionally missed a meal before and never heard it protest , it was as if her stomach was asking for food .
14 Although she had consistently turned away from singing opportunities — ‘ The more people nagged , the more I was determined to stay away ’ — she realised that this was something that , say , Lulu would never even consider .
15 A charmer , she thought , although she had long passed the season for such things .
16 Although she had never said so , his instinct had told him immediately he 'd seen her with Harry that she was in love with the young man — a devastatingly handsome young man — whose manner towards Alice had been affectionate but certainly not lover-like .
17 Both parents got very emotional and threw their arms around her , although she had never felt they were very close before .
18 Isabel loved her great-grandmother 's garden , although she had never known that lady , who had expired bearing her lord a son , the present Baron 's father .
19 Alice 's voice held genuine regret , for although she had never thought Madeleine the right girl for Harry , she would have done anything possible to forward a marriage between them if she truly believed it would make him happy .
20 Although she had never allowed herself to consider it a possibility , the thought had crossed her mind that he might know something about that letter .
21 Although she had never had any secretarial training , she had the nerve to apply for one of the most eagerly sought-after positions in Europe .
22 Although she had never read any of his books , she was well aware of the high regard he was held in in the literary world .
23 Sam had had something similar in Italy , although she had never worked out what the precise ingredients were .
24 Although she had never shown even the remotest sign of lameness I was looking at the worst case of hip dysplasia I had seen for some time .
25 Although she had half hoped he might guess , she did not want him to guess now , she thought frantically .
26 The stored up sunshine and seasalt in our pores saved us from having another attack of the dreaded ‘ flu that winter , although we had also used very much potassium permanganate in our sinks and drains , as the health authorities asked .
27 Although we had never met before … we half-knew each other already .
28 I had exactly the same feeling about her , although we had never met . ’
29 Trouble is , I do n't know what he 'd do - " He broke off suddenly and turned his head away , whispering , " My father , my father , my father … " in a way so bitter and desperate that she turned to him and held him ; and although they had already stayed far longer than on previous nights , she had a sudden foreboding of events , so that she needed to love him again , now ; and a little while later , without thinking of the danger , she cried out with the joy of him : a single shriek in the night that echoed in the trees below the house and was followed by a strange , almost tangible silence .
30 Although they had already proved their skills with other publications , this book probably did most to signal the arrival of the Japanese as major quality printers in western markets .
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