Example sentences of "when [pron] [was/were] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I remember there was a period when no-one was speaking to anyone and I recall going to the island of Mustique and being there a few weeks just before the final split .
2 It was only when everyone was thinking of bed and Jean and Tina had gone off to give their respective babies their last feeds and Hilda was in the kitchen clearing the last of the dishes , that Bruce said , ‘ Would anyone like a nightcap ? ’
3 This topic remained part of my responsibilities until the middle of 1990 when I was moved to one of the RAF information technology strategy studies .
4 I had a similar experience back in 1978 , when I was elected to the national executive committee of the Labour party .
5 lower than it was when I was elected in June 1987 .
6 ‘ The second occasion , of course , was when I was hit by a car in Monte Carlo on my third visit there … let me see , yes , it would have been twenty-seven years ago , three days before Christmas .
7 She gave up the branch chairmanship of the Civil and Public Servants union in 1990 after 10 years and said of her multi-purpose role : ‘ My husband used to say our lounge was like an office on Sunday nights when I was sorting through my paperwork for the week . ’
8 And I would dare those of you who would look up the newspaper clippings of that occasion and challenge that view , because you would find a much different reading in those newspaper clips than what I learnt many years later , trudging round the island , Personally I thought that I was being particularly clever bombing a seaplane that was taking off , It was only when I was serving on Sylt in the fifties that I learned that this was in fact a tug ( or you might call it a barge , a sea-going barge ) on the end of 100 metres of line , that was being towed .
9 It was about three o'clock when I was awoken by my door being opened oh so quietly .
10 She came to one of our mission hospitals when I was training in Australia . ’
11 On the day when I was wilting with heat my feet were not in the least sweaty , but I would have liked more support — I thought it barely adequate except for lowland walking .
12 ‘ Of all the low points I suffered , one of the worst was when I was deprived of the chance of winning a third world cross country title because I was n't allowed to compete in 1988 , ’ explained the 26-year-old .
13 ‘ I lived my life in Siglo XX as described in the book until 1980 , when I was invited to a conference on women in Denmark .
14 you know , it 's just pathetic and she 's so rude and nasty no mm that 's right yeah , yeah , yeah it 's the same yesterday when I was writing about that
15 I never wilted and was proud of my fighting qualities when I was looking for survival and happy for any form of success .
16 I was looking the other day , when I was looking for some of these things .
17 know when I was looking for that
18 And erm one day when I was digging in a vegetable garden , I got a whiff of a smelly swamp in the fields , which once , I knew , had been an , a pond in the last century .
19 In my own case , from 1957 when I joined ICI until 1973 when I was appointed to the board , I had no fewer than nine jobs .
20 I did [ think of myself as a cabbage ] when I was living at the other place doing all that washing by hand …
21 Mary Finnigan : ‘ I first met David in the summer of 1968 when I was living with my two children in a ground floor flat in an old house in Beckenham .
22 It was when I was living in New York , in Greenwich Village , in 1974 , after completing a semester of ‘ creative writing workshops ’ at Ohio University , where I had been very happy .
23 And then I did n't see her again until about nine years ago , when I was living in America and we were introduced again .
24 I was first introduced to Medau in 1947 when I was sent by Dr. Anni Noll to a post natal class which was held in Days Lane School , Sidcup .
25 I remember how happy I was when I was accepted at Hamburg University , because I could at last get away from my mother 's asparagus dishes . ’
26 This was in a period when I was based at Llandudno and every available minute of spare time was spent in climbing and scrambling among those delightful hills .
27 It does n't float in the air it drops down to ground level and some years ago , when I was based in Ashfield , I had an experience of this .
28 At one time , when I was touring in the theatre , I can remember simply having tea for breakfast and then going the whole day with nothing , then a tiny snack in the evening .
29 Nothing much has gone right for me since January when I was injured in a car crash .
30 I remember Dinah Prentice reading aloud to me from John Prebble 's The Highland Clearances when I was drawing near Arisaig .
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