Example sentences of "end [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He took to it like a duck to water and from then on he 'd grill me for hours on end about the various types of plays , especially when we were watching it on TV .
2 It was a bad end for a great king .
3 Not the usual end for a powerful London merchant !
4 The Scottish women 's team led from the opening end for a comfortable victory over the defending champions .
5 The quotations go on in this vein for pages on end for every conceivable sort of occupation .
6 Two years after the photograph had been taken Nasser came to power in a nationalist revolution which signalled the end for the European community in Alexandria , as it did for European domination of Egyptian affairs .
7 It was found by some local horsemen and this was the beginning of the end for the murderous publican .
8 Each one provides the balance at the year end for the defined area .
9 The castle 's end as a noble residence finally came in the late 17th century , and it was eventually given into state care in 1935 .
10 The whole kit and kaboodle is as tense as unravelled knitting and there is a completely unbelievable ‘ surprise ’ ending tacked onto the end as an obvious afterthought .
11 The demonstrations came temporarily to an end after a personal appeal by Gorbachev on 26 February , but a report that two Azerbaijanis had been killed the previous week led to an anti-Armenian riot on 28–29 February in the oil town of Sumgait in which 32 people were killed and 197 were injured , including more than 100 police officers .
12 Number the carbon atoms from the end nearest the double bond .
13 I felt so depressed at the end despite a good run .
14 Low-cost endowment business through independent financial advisers , building society connections and estate agents was up by 21% at the year end despite the reduced level of UK mortgage lending .
15 At the end of every clawing tack we found ourselves back at almost the same place we had started ; we began to learn the realities of life aboard a Bugis prahu .
16 Imagine an economy in which the wage rate for half its workers is set at the end of every even period to cover the following two periods , while the wage rate for the other half is set at the end of every odd period , again to cover the following two periods .
17 Scruton seeks to build an explicitly conservative sexual ethic on the Hegelian proposition that ‘ the final end of every rational being is the building of the self — of a recognisable personal entity , which flourishes according to its own autonomous nature ’ ( p. 299 ) .
18 But a bowler who does not break down at the end of every other over and who can finish each season with an average around the 25 mark would be worth his weight in gold now .
19 Only the orphan until the final chapter , when even she would sit by a warm fire , rescued at last from a cruel world and adult depredations by the long-lost loving parent who waits at the end of every unhappy child 's rainbow .
20 The strategy must be to seek to ensure that the defendants bear the costs , at the end of every successful case , of every application for inspection made in the face of an unreasonable refusal of access .
21 An epiphysis may be defined as ‘ a cartilaginous area present at each end of every long bone of the limbs , on the upper and lower faces of the vertebral bodies and in certain other locations where special processes are required for the attachment of muscles ’ ( Watson & Lowrey , 19512 ) .
22 This is the only mention found of Miller 's diary , without doubt one diligently kept at the end of every long day , and it is indeed regrettable that this meticulous record of his day-to-day activities and achievements at the Chelsea Physic Garden has not survived .
23 The marriage she had assumed naïvely would be the end of every serious relationship now seemed a very distant — if not unreachable — shore .
24 His first feeling as he emerged from the short but deep sleep which came to him at the end of every restless night , was that he was bloody glad to be alive .
25 On giving up as a player , Ken was a natural choice for chairman and , as he did at the end of every subsequent season , promised sweeping changes and League football by 1992 .
26 In other words , prices are set at the end of every even period ( 0 , 2 , 4 , and so on ) to cover the next two periods .
27 Imagine an economy in which the wage rate for half its workers is set at the end of every even period to cover the following two periods , while the wage rate for the other half is set at the end of every odd period , again to cover the following two periods .
28 And at the end of every exhilarating day , long summer evenings are spent in the warm welcome of a country hotel where you can relax in the company of newly made friends .
29 By the time he had got to suggesting that 126 card-carrying Communists were on the staff of the New York Times Sunday supplement , Matusow 's credibility was fraying , and , in 1956 , after a series of volte-faces he found himself on the wrong end of a five-year sentence for perjury .
30 Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis and all but one of his ministers won the support of the Supreme Council in votes of no confidence held on Oct. 21 at the end of a three-week debate .
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