Example sentences of "few [noun] [pron] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 He unzipped his bag and took out what few possessions he 'd been allowed to bring in to the cell : a small cassette-radio and a few tapes .
2 So I bought her some fruit pastilles again just while we were waiting for the train , but funnily enough , the last few times we 've been at the station , Bobby
3 For the last few hours he had been thinking about James and Kate and the rest of the Mollands , the Salpertons and the Redburns ; and it would not have shocked him if any or all of them who were still alive had turned up unannounced at Number 29 .
4 For the past few hours she had been too busy to think of her own problem .
5 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
6 Over the past few months they have been told that their primary and community health care is awful ; now the government tells them that accident and emergency departments will shut , along with 2000-odd hospital beds , when their immediate evidence is that it is hard to get into hospital .
7 Over the past few months we 've been advising you to take all the hype about the death of the 386 with a generous pinch of salt .
8 Over the last few months I 've been looking at the different types of files you 'll find on a PC — here 's a quick recap to refresh your memory .
9 I I did enjoy going to the city centre , but so far er in the few months I 've been in , I 've enjoyed it tremendously yes .
10 Over the last few months I have been working my way through the variation switches .
11 Smart said : ‘ Over the last few months there have been a number of crimes of minor violence in the central area of the town and the parks .
12 Over the past few months there have been detailed discussions ( which are continuing ) in Brussels over the technical context and allocation of funding for the new workplan .
13 In the last few months there has been a flood of people seeking membership , and several regional groups have been set up .
14 For the past few months it 's been more or less constantly at the limit — the £300,000 cheque put it unacceptably over . "
15 In the last few months he has been especially active ; for instance , in response to the criticism that art education is much neglected , he announced in January the renovation or rehousing of four art schools , including the Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux Arts of Paris .
16 He has been working very long hours setting up in business here in er in this area er he gets home late at night and I 'm afraid to say that over the last few months he 's been nagged continuously by his girlfriend who wants him to try and sort out financial arrangements because the relationship between the two of them 's not been very good .
17 Within four years of the passing of the Education Act , the few schools which had been established closed their doors , with the single exception of Rugby .
18 Those few foreigners who have been there describe it as one of the most remote and desolate spots in the world .
19 The few models which have been developed to date may have been correct as far as they go but are clearly incomplete .
20 She had just begun to settle into her neat flat , and although it was n't furnished expensively the few pieces she had were chosen with loving care .
21 What is perhaps most remarkable about the US experience is the relatively few years which have been needed to reverse the trend of this conditioning , and at least increase people 's familiarity with typical APR levels .
22 During the past few years we have been almost suffocated under a pile of reminiscences .
23 Over the past few years we have been working on such an account , and in this paper we focus on the implications of this account for a central tenet of the mental models approach : that the mental model of the text so far provides ( part of the context for the interpretation of the current sentence or clause .
24 In the last few years we have been promised ( and in the UK have never actually been given ) ready-made video programmes on EVR , requiring one set of equipment , and on videodisc , requiring another .
25 ‘ For the last few years we have been seriously handicapped by the fact that our second team have been unable to compete regularly against quality opposition .
26 The last few years they had been more apart , until in 1969 they both rediscovered each other in one of the first Women 's Liberation groups in London .
27 Today the big draught breeds , especially in the Massif Central , have found new roles in the beef industry and over the last few years they have been exported in increasing numbers to boost beef production in several parts of the world , sometimes displacing some of the famous traditional British beef breeds .
28 He says over the last few years there 've been a number of applications by local people who live and work in the area and want to stay here and they 've been refused permission to build on their own land for single dwellings and we think it would be terribly unfair if Redlands could come in and build a whole new estate , doubling the size of the village .
29 During the last few years there has been an increase in swinging and ground looping accidents and these must be analysed to see if there are new lessons to be learned .
30 Over the last few years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of rigs available from shops .
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