Example sentences of "during the [noun sg] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , it could become an active football pitch during the winter season and your kitchen window may be sited just behind the goalmouth .
2 1.3 The employee 's duty not to make preparations in order to compete with his employer after he has left or to enable another to do so The employee can not make preparations during his employment , either during the working day or in his spare time , with a view to competing with his employer once his employment is over if such preparation may have a material effect on his employer 's business .
3 If it becomes obvious during the base leg or final turn that you are far too high to be able to get down in the chosen field , it is often possible to make an S-turn to use up some of the height .
4 Where adjoining owners enjoy benefits from the indirect use of land such as ’ right of support ’ or ’ right of light ’ , the developer may be obliged to ensure that such rights are maintained both during the development period and in perpetuity .
5 This phase will only be entered if no errors were detected during the prepass phase and the user has selected to continue at the end of the prepass phase .
6 He suffered serious head injuries during the UFF assault and his gun was stolen .
7 Of course you do n't have to keep off land during the stalking season if you do n't want to , since trespass in Scotland is contained within the civil and not the criminal law .
8 These may be " laid in " by the designer himself , and evoked during the initial concept stage or during the component verification or inspection stage .
9 ‘ We always end up losing some of the group during the factory tour because they are off chatting to old friends . ’
10 The time of harvesting also affects the final quality of the tea , the best teas being collected during the peak season and the more standard teas during the remaining months of the year .
11 The other buses were either spread out in their running time or cut down to form the evening frequency which was less than what it was during the peak time and so I , you know , I 'd , I 'd left it at then , when I went in the forces then , he carried on .
12 These colleges were built as an educational resource , meeting the needs of children during the school day and providing space ( and sometimes staff ) at other times for adult clubs and classes .
13 Problems may arise during the installation procedure when the user is required to answer questions regarding the hardware being used .
14 Work on the New Entrance Lock began in January with the dredging of a channel to divert shipping during the construction period and to remove the old West Pier .
15 Next time you indulge in physical exercise , try to become aware of your mental and emotional state during the exercise routine and after it is over .
16 Always summarize the concessions which you have agreed to make during the bargaining process but omit to mention those offered by the other party .
17 Not all agreements demand specific actions but when these are expected they should be summarized during the bargaining process and recorded in detail .
18 During the propaganda war that was waged between Sandys and the Services , the Air Staff were not to be outdone by the Admiralty .
19 Laboratory assessment was performed every two weeks during the treatment period and every four to six weeks after discontinuation of therapy .
20 Cover may also be arranged to protect against losses during the manufacturing period and is available for certain types of services as well as manufactured goods .
21 Take a drive in the country during the hedgehog season and you will see the remains of thousands of them splattered across the roads .
22 Aerobic walking carried out as part of the Walking Diet will burn off more fat during the activity period than carbohydrate .
23 But the latent inhibition effect was not profound — rats given partial reinforcement during pre-exposure learned much more readily during the test phase than a group of subjects that had experienced the tone followed consistently by the mild shock during pre-exposure .
24 To analyse changes in urinary albumin and sodium excretion and mean arterial pressure we meaned the values ( log transformed for urinary albumin excretion ) recorded during the placebo period and during the last three months of follow up .
25 Always be ready to release during the take-off run and if in doubt , abandon the take-off .
26 Although Mr Lamont received the customary ovations from Tory MPs , there was little cheer on their faces during the Budget speech and Cabinet ministers fidgeted nervously throughout .
27 A range of special Taunton 150 souvenirs , featuring the attractive logo , are in the process of being produced and will be available for sale during the anniversary week or afterwards by mail order .
28 In fact there were very few guide dogs at that time and erm I 've never felt that erm it 's , I mean maybe just my erm silliness really but I , I never wanted a dog lying about all day because once at the office I stayed put as it were until it was time to go home and I could have taken the dog I suppose during the lunch hour but I preferred that time to erm to reading
29 This list of requirements is not exhaustive and it is more than likely that the executive committee in charge of the planning process would change its mind at least once during the selection procedure as enquiries proceeded .
30 He had explained to her about the imitation dove that would fly out from the high altar during the Easter mass and light a great cart of fireworks .
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