Example sentences of "during [art] [adj] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His thoughtful articles during the early 1920s on delegated legislation , administrative discretion , and judicial review of social legislation seem to point the way for Jennings , Robson , and Willis .
2 While the English army remained preoccupied during the early 1650s with these military campaigns against the Irish and Scots , the Rump of the Long Parliament was able to pursue a foreign policy motivated primarily by commercial considerations , leading England into a naval war with her principal trading rival , Protestant Holland .
3 Having outlived Dean and Adams , Hopper indulged himself during the early seventies in autobiographical ego trips that nobody went to see like The Last Movie and The American Dreamer .
4 The amphibians diffused during the Upper Paleozoic into a number of groups .
5 During the Mesozoic some of the most important types of insects still living — like the butterflies originated .
6 During the late 1920s to early 1930s conflict over the correct strategy for the Japan Communist Party generated an enormous amount of scholarly research aimed at substantiating the views of the main factions .
7 In the face of rising popular hostility , and abandoned during the late 1920s by most of his powerful allies — the wealthy classes , his military colleagues and , crucially , Alfonso XIII himself — the dictator surrendered power in January 1930 , bequeathing to the King the task of determining Spain 's future constitutional course .
8 To this end , Hoffman-La Roche , who annually reaped profits during the late 1960s of about $40 million , was prepared to exert effective pressure on the legislature .
9 During the late 1960s to the mid-1970s she says CND was classified as subversive because it was a ‘ Communist dominated organisation ’ .
10 Subsequently , especially during the late 1960s after the mounting evidence of shortcomings in the basic provision , there was a contrasting tendency to blame the services and society for forcing people into intolerable situations .
11 Exports to the USA had , however , been impeded during the late 1980s by US obstacles , placed in retaliation against ‘ unfair practices ’ .
12 During the late 1980s in a number of countries — West Germany , The Netherlands , Switzerland , Austria , the Scandinavian countries , and France ( though there only quite recently ) — there was a purported threat posed by the arrival of increasing numbers of third-world asylum-seekers .
13 The case of the chainmaking trade was particularly acute because of the large numbers of women who entered it during the late 1870s from nailmaking .
14 During the past ten to 15 years a few new bungalows have been built , and with the eight council houses built in the 1930s , there is a pleasing variety of architectural styles .
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