Example sentences of "to have been on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Heart valves can be removed very simply from the body up to three days after death … you do not need to have been on a life support machine … even heart attack victims can be suitable donors .
2 So all of those people there or most of them are likely to have been on a list that the school have recommended .
3 Miss Harrison , of North Green , Staindrop , is thought to have been on the way home from a riverside barbecue when the accident happened just before 11 pm .
4 14 October , 1969 TONY BENN records in his diary : ‘ In the evening Caroline and I went to Number 10 for a dinner for the American astronauts , the first three men to have been on the moon .
5 The two main issues thought to have been on the agenda for Li 's visit were South Korea 's intention to apply for separate membership of the UN ( North Korea favoured the two Korean states sharing a single UN seat ) , and the growing pressure for the North Korean government to allow international inspection of its nuclear facilities , an issue at the heart of the current normalization talks between North Korea and Japan [ see below ] .
6 Collecting rubbish , he thought , would remind him of how fortunate he was even to have been on the circuit .
7 In many ways they seemed to have been on the verge of civilisation , as they kept pigs , and cultivated the land for millet .
8 It was so useful to have been on the road myself and to have experienced cold-calling , setting up new accounts , or merchandising accounts that did n't want to see you at that particular moment .
9 The official definition of long-term unemployment is more than twelve months without work , although employment training , which is designed for the long term unemployed , requires entrants to have been on the register for more than six months .
10 The writing would have appeared to have been on the wall from the moment Lincolnshire 's Sarah Bentley ( now representing Surrey ) , let slip a 5–1 opening set lead in the first rubber , a lead that included a missed set point .
11 I would have been quite happy just to have been on the bench for the entire championship but , as it turned out , I had another big incentive in that as Gary might not play for the rest of the Five Nations there would be four internationals available if I proved good enough ’ .
12 The only item in the Christie 's sale to have been on the ship at the moment of sinking , it was written by Mrs Esther Hart and tucked into her husband 's jacket .
13 She ought to have been on the job , she thought , ferreting out facts about Hereward and Amy .
14 Anyone who could put on such an outrageous act — and get away with it — quite clearly ought to have been on the stage !
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