Example sentences of "to have be [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Locke speaks of express consent but also of tacit consent and indeed in one place tacit consent is deemed to have been given merely by being on the territory of the civil society in question .
2 Sally Brass was rumoured to have been seen here as a Foot Guards private on sentry-go after her brother 's imprisonment , OCS 88 .
3 The earlier text is believed to have been written originally in Syriac and to have been found at a Christian monastery in Khuzistan , south-west Iran , near the Iraqi border .
4 On the other hand , if we look at a later decision-making episode in the same project when the pupils are temporarily in role as Indians who have to decide whether or not to receive a white stranger into their midst ( p. 53 ) , this is more likely to have been played seriously as a real game for by then the children , after several lessons on the same project , were steeped in the material sufficiently deeply to respect the rich complexity of the problem .
5 Very few people are known to have been killed directly by the explosions , great though they were , but no less than 36,000 died when the tsunamis ripped over low-lying areas all along the coasts , overwhelming towns and villages .
6 ‘ In this area angling seems to have been lumped together with bloodsports and some members of these councils vote automatically against anything that could benefit local fishing .
7 It is believed to have been composed early in the second century , very likely by an individual who was indeed named Jude and who , together with his brother James , presided over the Nazarean party at the time .
8 Any doubts about the wisdom of combining the worlds of Shakespearean tragedy and forensic psychiatry appear to have been blasted away by the recent performances of King Lear , Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet in the special hospital by actors from the National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company .
9 It will have been one of the most comprehensively designed and tested lifeboats to have been built anywhere in the world .
10 In Westminster Abbey Library is a fragment of a funerary taper found in Abbot Thomas Mylling 's tomb , which is presumed to have been placed there at the time of his funeral in 1492 and probably came off the hearse .
11 On the village green is a stone block said to have been placed there by a local lord of short stature , to help him mount his horse .
12 Again , tiger teeth found in Bornean caves are believed to have been placed there by man and not to indicate the former presence of the animal on that island .
13 Special mention is made of ‘ the most powerful Electrical apparatus that , probably , was ever constructed ’ , which was said to have been employed successfully in various diseases , such as ‘ paralytic attacks , tetanus or lockjaw , cataract & gutta serena ( paralysis of the optic nerves ) ’ .
14 The movement 's much-feared " sparrow " units , urban guerrillas specializing in assassinations , were also thought to have been weakened significantly through arrests and the degeneration of some units into criminality .
15 Until very recently , supporters of animal protection or environmental causes appear to have been motivated primarily by feelings of empathy , sympathy or personal identification with animals , especially large , appealing and anthropomorphic animals .
16 His decision to do so , however , appears to have been motivated more by his belief that he had been personally insulted by the Spanish during the earlier marriage negotiations and by a romantic desire to restore his sister and brother-in-law to their inheritance than by any wish to display solidarity with the Protestant cause , which was crumbling away before the seemingly irresistible progress of the Hapsburg armies .
17 Both may be guessing , although the Encomiast is reasonably well-informed on the campaigns late in Æthelred II's reign , and William 's report of mixed methods need not be far wrong , even if it is a guess ; the armies which troubled England over the long period between c.985 and 1016 do often seem to have comprised the warbands of a number of men , are unlikely to have been organised and commanded solely by Danish kings , did not consist entirely of Danes , and frequently appear to have been motivated mainly by a desire for booty .
18 However , many of those connections which Walcott thought he had identified appear to have been tied together by little more than familial relationship ; he was not able to show that they acted together as a cohesive political force .
19 More than 30,000 inhabitants were reported to have been affected directly by the mudslide and over 6,000 homes were damaged .
20 While the proposal was known to have been received enthusiastically by some EC countries , including Portugal and Greece , others like France opposed a CSCM which would include the Middle East , preferring to limit it to the western Mediterranean .
21 The size of the increase , amounting to 5.7% or 240 places , seems to have been determined purely on the basis of the amount of spare capacity in the medical schools , which could be used at no capital cost .
22 This was remarkably precise and remarkably misleading and seems once again to have been based essentially on Chinese communist capability .
23 The party considerations , in this as in so many other aspects of local government reorganisation , seemed to have been based more on an assessment of the past rather than on considerations for the future .
24 Aircraft do appear however in the chapter on Calshot where good coverage of the various types to have been based there over the years is included .
25 The techniques referred to in the revised manual appear to have been developed particularly after the inner-city riots of 1981 .
26 If it be conceded that the need for legal advice arises from the existence of a legal problem , the difficulties in meeting that need would appear to have been exposed earlier in the chapter .
27 The meridians , as conduits for electro-magnetic bioenergy distribution throughout the physical vehicle , appear from his findings to have been formed earlier in the creative process than the arteries , veins and lymphatic vessels .
28 ‘ Despondent souls , ’ it was said , ‘ and there are not a few of these , seem to have been struck only by one part of the Führer 's speech : where he spoke of the preparations for the winter campaign in 1942–43 .
29 After the disastrous storms and floods of 1890 in which vast sections of Grisedale and Garsdale were washed away , bridges destroyed and people made homeless , the stone lip of the waterfall was found to have been destroyed completely by the force of the water , so much so that instead of falling from an overhanging shelf a majestic hundred feet on to the rocks below , the waterfall now raced down in a series of cascades .
30 All the music here was recorded at the ‘ Fiddlesticks ’ Festival held at University College , Cork , in January of this year , before an enthusiastic audience — and a sober one , by the sound of it : although this is music that lives in the pubs , it seems to have been presented here in a concert that took it seriously , with real respect .
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