Example sentences of "to have be [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 But it does not appear to have been regularly employed in the Royal Chancery until the last quarter of the ninth century , from which time it became a fixed element in diplomas . ’
2 Radio and television reporting of the campaign was alleged to have been heavily weighted in favour of the NSF , although opposition parties were granted access to the government-controlled media .
3 It is well known that , apart from its basalts , the Newark Group of the eastern seaboard of the United States is exactly like the Trias of north-west Europe , and both are now known to have been largely deposited in fault-controlled basins .
4 Whatever the merits of these reasons , and not all of them carry complete conviction , it must surely be true that no government , given that the enormous and growing cost of higher education was coming very largely out of public funds , would have been prepared for provision to have been largely concentrated in the ‘ autonomous ’ university sector ?
5 The McKinsey-GE model does , however , seem inconsistent with the BCG matrix in two respects , and these seem to have been largely overlooked in the literature .
6 It will hopefully provide firmer evidence than assembled hitherto on whether medieval England already had the highly distinctive pattern of late female marriage and high proportions never-marrying that is known to have been firmly established in sixteenth century evidence contained in the parish registers .
7 They were said to have been forcibly dressed in the prison uniform and held for at least 17 days with their arms chained to the cell bars to prevent them from removing the uniform .
8 ( 4 ) Where any such property is disposed of , the Funding Council shall pay to the Secretary of State such portion of the proceeds or value of the consideration for the disposal , after deduction of such expenses as appear to the Secretary of State to have been reasonably incurred in the disposal , as the Secretary of State may , after consultation with the Funding Council , determine .
9 Elsewhere , the trade unions appear to have been weakly organised in the District .
10 His A Lecture on the Geography of Plants ( 1827 ) shows Barton to have been well read in German scientific literature , notably in A. Humboldt 's work on the geographical distribution of plants .
11 This challenge appears , however , to have been admirably met in Lewis and Harris , where we were told there are about 400 teachers and about 20 doctors .
12 It is this which ought to have been properly recalled in Freud 's later work , and he could then have introduced the term ‘ death instincts ’ to describe this basic , and in terms of the later theory , innate predisposition to kill other human beings .
13 Although not totally immured from the political activities of the 1930s , Williams nonetheless appears to have been completely absorbed in his academic studies at Oxford .
14 All must be presumed to have been somewhat limited in potential , for the Bank of England 's sole right to joint-stock banking constrained the others into the " partnership " form .
15 Under the new management of Andrzeja Strejlaua , and with several team changes , they were said to have been much improved in narrowly losing a friendly in Spain last month .
16 The experiment on which this story was based has not been effectively repeated — but it sent a sufficient frisson through legislators and consumerists all over the world for subliminal advertising to have been solemnly banned in most countries where advertising is effectively controlled .
17 Salter later discovered that the figures on the costs of building his device appeared to have been deliberately misrepresented in order to justify this decision .
18 The Cabinet noted that the examination papers appeared to have been deliberately leaked in an attempt to shake the educational system and society at large .
19 Francis Place described the same process among London 's leather-breeches makers in 1793 , the book binders built up theirs over four years before striking for a reduction in hours , and the calico printers seem to have been constantly engaged in building and rebuilding strike funds .
20 The special circumstances of territorial displacement and the withdrawal of adult supervision , which appear to have been more pronounced in Britain than in other parts of western Europe where the family is stronger as a recreational unit , have made the problem worse here than elsewhere ; this has led to the formation of the ‘ ends ’ which in turn has tended to attract a small fascist and psychotic fringe .
21 If the ‘ Hooligans ’ were regarded as an un-English phenomenon , they were also understood as an entirely unprecedented development and respectable England felt itself to have been suddenly engulfed in a new rush of crime .
22 She considers this multiplication to have been especially marked in the later eighteenth century .
23 There were around forty exhorters in England by this time , so their growth does seem to have been especially marked in Cornwall .
24 Is the contractor entitled to be relieved of responsibility on the basis that if the variation was going to be made in any event at that time , to have been further advanced in the contract programme would only have made it more expensive for the client ?
25 And to Marion McKnaught , whose husband appears to have been falsely accused in the local town council , he wrote ,
26 Such diverse construction methods are not confined to particular types of building but rather reflect questions of cost and regional traditions which appear to have been relatively pronounced in Roman Britain .
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