Example sentences of "came to be [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 The village came to be represented as the source of all the traditional virtues , the heart of the Japanese tradition .
2 Thus [ = = ] any real-world departure from equilibrium conditions came to be stamped as the opposite of ‘ competitive ’ and hence , by simple extension , as actually ‘ monopolistic . ’
3 At this time he was still a rank-and-file militant , but quickly , as the 1820s moved along , he came to be recognized as the outstanding trade-union leader in Lancashire in the textile industry .
4 First , ‘ boy labour ’ came to be defined as a problem which , together with the ‘ discovery ’ of adolescence , meant that working-class youth attained a hitherto unknown pre-eminence among social theorists and reformers .
5 One aspect of this fear was the way in which the new notion of female impurity rapidly made inroads into the popular imagination , with the result that women came to be seen as a constant stumbling block to man 's improvement , a blight on the possibility of his attaining the now required ( i.e. post-exilic ) standard of personal purity .
6 Local political activity came to be seen as part and parcel of changes taking place within capitalist society as a whole , especially within the capitalist state as it attempts to manage and transform a social and economic system in profound crisis .
7 The term ‘ local state ’ gained critical acceptance and helped place on a new conceptual stage the mass of research and political activity that had gathered around local , or community , politics since the late 1960s. for those on the radical left , the state , and of course the local state , came to be seen as a site of competing political interests rather than as a neutral set of administrative institutions .
8 The dramatic and mythological language disappeared and was replaced by a doctrine more fitted to legalism or the language of the ledger : salvation came to be seen as a question of balancing the books , or paying debts to the debtor .
9 They successfully politicised lived experiences of women in such a way that their concerns came to be seen as the concerns of Labour .
10 Similarly , the impact of GIST may have been as great in schools which had no contact with the project at all , because of the changing climate of opinion in which girls ' under-achievement in science and technology came to be seen as a serious educational issue .
11 The family came to be seen as a refuge from a harsh world in which men were pitted against each other in merciless competition .
12 Because grants to courtiers came to be seen as an abuse , monopolies to individuals were prohibited in 1624 , but corporations could still receive them and they continued to be the basis for trade outside Europe in the seventeenth century .
13 The Navigation Acts were not in the first instance devised to make up for the fact that some English revenue was devoted to colonial defence , but defending the colonies came to be seen as an integral part of the Old Colonial System .
14 And in a sense the holy alliance came to be seen as representing their interests .
15 The tax thus came to be seen as an impost on the whole community , to which the general assent of the community was required .
16 For most consensus theorists , the answer lies in a theory of social structure made famous by Durkheim in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and developed to such an extent by Talcott Parsons and his followers in the USA between the 1930s and 1950s that during these years it came to be seen as the sociological theory .
17 While these national liberation movements in the Third World were in theory modelled on the nationalism of the West , in practice the states they attempted to construct were generally the opposite of the ethnically and linguistically homogeneous entities which came to be seen as the standard form of ‘ nation- state ’ in the West .
18 In , his autobiography he is critical of the quality of his local officials who , under pressures from their members , came to be seen as " relieving officers coming to the assistance of every seaman who is down and out " whether their hard luck stories were true or not .
19 Politics came to be seen as a social and collective activity which rose above the individual but which somehow fell short of the ideal of the nation or the whole community .
20 The post-war commitment to full-employment increased their bargaining power ; the strike weapon in the context of a complex and interdependent economy meant that they could exert considerable pressure " through their capacity to disrupt and delay ; and as inflation came to be seen as the problem ( and as a problem caused by " excessive " wages demands backed by strikes ) so trade unions found themselves in a new position of strategic importance and power .
21 There was so much new knowledge in science , and degrees in science came to be seen as an alternative to degrees in classics or mathematics rather than as something to be done afterwards as an optional extra , or taken as a merely voluntary course of lectures .
22 The central target of the new rationalism , however , was the chorus , which now came to be seen as an anomalous relic of the past .
23 With the rise of Christianity , abortion came to be seen as a full-blown moral problem .
24 But as attitudes changed labour came to be seen as the fight of the soldier of God through a hostile world , a fight in which the end justified the means .
25 So Castells was the pioneer of what came to be seen as the ‘ new urban sociology ’ and , paradoxically , The City and the Grassroots seemed to recover some of the themes ( especially that of the experience of the immediate spatial and social setting ) which he had earlier rejected in the Chicago School .
26 It did nothing about the immediate problems , and so , probably inevitably , came to be seen as a form of inaction .
27 It then sketches in how it was that ‘ race ’ came to be constructed as a significant educational issue at all .
28 He came to be regarded as the major reason for the government 's post-Falklands electoral strength , its reputation for competence , enterprise , and success .
29 The harvest feast was usually a highpoint of village life , and came to be regarded as a ritual of social unity .
30 It was academic theory that was to define the two great periods of French station-building which produced in the Gare de l'Est and the Gare d'Orsay terminals which came to be regarded as definitive types .
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