Example sentences of "came [adv prt] and [vb past] me " in BNC.

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1 The nurse came down and gave me some medicine which totally knocked me out .
2 She went out of one door but then a sheet of flame came down and blocked me , so I had to look for another way out . ’
3 I 've got to trust you , since you came down and found me , but please just keep this quiet , O K ? ’
4 I was just as confused as that day she came in and told me the news .
5 Martin came in and told me I was supposed to be upstairs , Steve was has gone into where I was so
6 Then when he knocked on the door this morning I swallowed a whole lot of saved-up salt and water and pressed my tongue and the timing was perfect , he came in and saw me being sick .
7 One Saturday a woman came in and took me to a big room where there was another woman with two children .
8 ‘ After the match , the chairman came in and showed me the other results and the league placings .
9 There was a scuffle ; the other policeman came over and kicked me in the stomach .
10 And he came over and took me did n't he ?
11 As I got up , the man from the radio came over and asked me what it was like as he was getting forced into doing it later on .
12 And if anyone came up and told me off for sleeping on the pavement I 'd say I was the King of England and I can sleep anywhere I like .
13 One day the screw came up and told me I had a visit down in the solicitor 's ; I went down and this man presented himself as a court welfare officer .
14 anything about coming , and yet Jenny came up and told me that she was coming on Friday , er before I got that letter , got that letter the next day
15 Cos somebody came up and told me which is even more rude .
16 While I was gazing at the chamber a schoolgirl who was touring the gallery with her father came up and asked me how it worked .
17 When I was making runs at Leeds Graham Gooch came up and asked me how on earth I was batting so well on that pitch .
18 The mosquitos came up and bit me in the dark .
19 The mosquitos came up and bit me in the dark .
20 Adrian asked them the way to Woodbrook , then came back and told me that there was a ruined castle behind the shop .
21 Later in the afternoon the sheriff 's men came back and dragged me up before the justices .
22 They asked me a few questions and withdrew to grunt amongst themselves , then came back and welcomed me as one of them .
23 If it was n't , and he came back and caught me , then I 'd have to fall back on my story as an over-enthusiastic games player .
24 As we lifted it , it came out and banged me on the top there , and it knocked me out , knocked me out and I was going to the doctor , but what frightened them all , this was the funny thing , what frightened them all to death , was the fact that I was violently sick you see , and all was bright red you see , and well the fireman passed out , well , do you know what it was ? we had blackcurrant !
25 P : I was coming home from a party with Robert Mitchum drinking cider when one of Shane 's gang came out and stabbed me in the arm … ( goes on for about ten more pages — Freudian Ed )
26 I would never , ever have said I was anorexic , until a neighbour and now a close friend , Anita , came out and labelled me one .
27 But my friends really got me out afterwards , they came round and took me out .
28 ‘ Oh , ’ she said , ‘ a friend came round and asked me to go with her …
29 One came round and sold me sheets and then he offered me a loan .
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