Example sentences of "came [verb] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A car came speeding out of the fog , mounted the pavement and smashed into them .
2 But when the death coach came galloping out of the wild black sky to take Darby O'Gill to hell , it fairly put the fear of God in me ; more so than any clergyman before or since , however vivid their threats of eternal damnation .
3 Ranulf and Maltote following suit just as the two crossbow quarrels came whirring out of the darkness , skimming the tops of their heads .
4 Hers said it was by mistake but I know it was n't and he came wandering out of the wood , all black and shaggy like the Beast in the fairy tale in the most peculiar clothes , very ancient , and dreadful wild hair like pictures of the Prophets . ’
5 Hotspur put up a hand to the furred collar of his cloak , and let it slide from his shoulders ; and like a silent and attentive valet the girl came gliding out of the shadows and took it from him .
6 Caspar came bounding out of the tangle of fallen trees below the cliff .
7 As she let herself in at the front door her mother 's voice came booming out of the kitchen .
8 A daunting figure came looming out of the night .
9 Zoser came hurrying out of the church and joined his wife .
10 When responsible citizens or policemen came rushing out into the road to grab at it and avert a disaster , Uncle Titch would leap up from behind his seat and pretend they just had n't noticed him .
11 Two farm hands came rushing out of the barn and ran across the field to the motionless figure .
12 And Manyara came rushing out of the temple .
13 For the first time , Isobel felt a little afraid of him , as all the suppressed fury of a rejected child came pouring out in the music .
14 The Argie came flying out of the tank , running from the British heroine .
15 The stories of poverty and struggle got wilder and ever wilder in the publicity office until his family came crawling out of the Middle Ages on all fours !
16 ‘ That 's him , then , all gone , ’ Gloria said , before a nurse came scurrying out through the doors , took her by the arm and led her back into the ward .
17 It came screeching out of the darkness , and not even the thunder could drown the scream of its menace .
18 Just then Angela , who had seen her crossing the field , came running out of the farmhouse .
19 The day when the search guards were given orders to act roughly , and the little R.A.S.C. captain who came running out of the block with his mouth still bleeding from a blow with a rifle butt .
20 As Mary came running out of the front door it moved off up the drift towards the wood .
21 At seven-thirty she had started the engine of the Subaru when he came running out of the house .
22 Eight of the men came running out of the trees and heaved at the sides of the lorry .
23 ‘ After a minute he came staggering out of the smoke . ’
24 A stone came sailing out of the crowd and fell with a clatter on the roof of the burning shack .
25 She glanced back just as she was about to turn a corner , and saw Joe as he came hurtling out of the side-exit .
26 It was quite funny yesterday , because , he , when I went out in the garden there was a football nestling in the rose bushes , I heaved it back over the fence , thirty seconds later the two boys came roaring out of the house , and about thirty seconds after that
27 Our motoring days ended the day Istarted the engine up , there was an unholy clatter , and the big end came poking out through the sump bottom .
28 People presently came flowing out of the door and spread between the gravestones .
29 No , I came to get a ticket for the literature festival but it was pouring down so I came to get out of the rain .
30 A little boy wearing a balaclava cap too large for him came trotting out of the house .
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