Example sentences of "went out of [pos pn] way " in BNC.

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1 The first Not the Nine O' Clock News series had a sketch about Python worshippers but that team , while itself worshipping Python , went out of its way not to be derivative , eschewing silly voices , dressing in drag and what they later realised to be a misogynist trait in Python .
2 DESPITE its cost-cutting and job reduction programmes , British Petroleum went out of its way yesterday to keep shareholders happy at the group 's annual meeting .
3 While the Council was in general described as having a ‘ pastoral ’ rather than a ‘ dogmatic ’ purpose , it went out of its way to name two of its principal documents ‘ Dogmatic Constitutions ’ .
4 It is , of course , important to remind ourselves that the Council went out of its way , for instance , to reiterate that it was in no way contradicting Vatican I and instances of contradiction should not be lightly proposed .
5 The impact of the Schlunk decision on actual practice may well turn out to be quite limited , for the Court went out of its way to spell out the advantages of using the machinery of the Convention :
6 As we have seen , the Pauline Church of Rome found Jesus 's brother James something of an embarrassment , and went out of its way , whenever possible , to circumvent him and his role .
7 … She went out of her way to be unpleasant to people .
8 In fact she went out of her way to show her support for the people who had contributed to it .
9 One woman in particular went out of her way to help me out .
10 Medical workers said the princess went out of her way to help dispel local superstition about the disease .
11 And she went out of her way to praise artist David Hankinson as she unveiled his painting of her in fairy-tale pink gown complete with tiara , pearl drop earrings and gold watch .
12 " She just went out of her way to get to know what was going on . "
13 She went out of her way to pass near him , and he went out of his way to insult her .
14 Mrs. Mott went out of her way to be courteous to Sara as though sorry for the initial error she had made .
15 I wonder , my old housemistress actually got erm thrown out of her school , she was a brilliant housemistress , she was really young , really pretty twenty , twenty eight or something , really easygoing and she like , she went out of her way to , she bent over back yeah she went out of her way to get us erm you know
16 I wonder , my old housemistress actually got erm thrown out of her school , she was a brilliant housemistress , she was really young , really pretty twenty , twenty eight or something , really easygoing and she like , she went out of her way to , she bent over back yeah she went out of her way to get us erm you know
17 After the Cabinet reshuffle in July 1989 and her press office 's rubbishing of the significance of the title deputy prime minister for Geoffrey Howe , Conservative back-benchers went out of their way to show their support for Sir Geoffrey Howe in the House of Commons .
18 Old-fashioned MPs , unlike the new generation who happily turn up at the annual conference , went out of their way to dream up family illnesses , unavoidable business meetings or urgent missions to Kurdistan to avoid these gatherings .
19 Since they held the bourgeois responsible for the war , they went out of their way to shock .
20 One group swore that they did not get any salary , but took the job to attract men for prostitution ; and others went out of their way to prove their own sophistication by talking to them .
21 I never knew why they went out of their way to hurt her ’
22 Four out of 10 shoppers believe that supermarkets selling " environment-friendly " products do so to exploit the market and not out of a genuine concern to protect the earth , according to Mintel. 10 per cent of respondents in the Mintel survey believed that companies were hiding behind a green " front " , and those who went out of their way to buy green products did so " in spite of corporate public relations efforts " .
23 ‘ If ever I went out of my way to learn something from a book the chances were that It 'd be hopelessly wrong — you know , inaccurate transcriptions of a song or solo — so I decided to try and develop my own ear by learning things from record . ’
24 He could have complained to the top about my basic lack of professionalism but instead he went out of his way to try and help — and sometimes got pretty short shrift in return .
25 Aware of the concern felt by many in his audience of European parliamentarians about the potential power of a united Germany , Mr Shevardnadze went out of his way to express agreement with President Franois Mitterrand that ‘ no European country can act without due regard for the European balance , without taking into account the interests of others and the existing historical situation that resulted from the second world war ’ .
26 He went out of his way to spend time with unpopular , even hated people — like Zacchaeus .
27 In his speech he went out of his way to welcome the establishment of the Faculty , and the part it would play in encouraging and enhancing proficiency and knowledge of tax not only within the profession , but in business , industry and commerce , and among the general public the profession serves .
28 He was ‘ self-confident , firm in his views , ’ and went out of his way to take charge of patients ' care , said counsel .
29 Furthermore , it remains something of a puzzle that , when this movement did flourish during the 1920s and 1930s , Pound went out of his way to distance himself from it .
30 On the contrary , he went out of his way to encourage his three eldest boys , the ‘ broth ’ as he called them , in their bullying .
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