Example sentences of "went from [noun] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The ball went from McClair to Hughes , whose cross-field pass sent Giggs away to crash a shot past Coton .
2 The Dharjees went from Iran to Bombay in the seventeenth century and came to Wimbledon in 1926 , mainly to get away from Bombay but also , apparently , for the tennis . ’
3 On 30 May 1952 a letter went from Churchill to Ramsey offering him the see of Durham .
4 When Eritrea achieved de facto independence last year , 80 cars went from DC to New Jersey to the home of the veteran Eritrean labour leader Woldeab Wolde Mariam , whom I had met more than 20 years ago in exile in Aden , and brought him to the Washington community church , Saint Selassie .
5 And then the guitarist went from Davey to Bernie Watson , who 'd previously been with Screaming Lord Sutch 's band ; then from Bernie to Roger Dean ( yes , the one who does all that artwork on Yes albums ) and from Roger Dean to Eric , and then Eric to Greeny and then to Mick Taylor … ’
6 Erm ironically I was one of those that went from Essex to Manchester and I did live up there for a couple of years but er decided to come back .
7 Not since I went from Dover to Calais with my parents in 1970 , when I was 14 .
8 Grain went from Rumania to Danzig by sea , all the way round Europe , and still cost 30 per cent less than overland by rail .
9 First trip went from Alderney to Guernsey wearing the now-familiar bright yellow and red livery , a colour scheme which has survived ever since .
10 The island ferry , as I had discovered , sailed three times a week on Mondays , Wednesdays and Saturdays ; it went from Oban to Tobermory on the Isle of Mull , and then called at Moila on its way to Coll and Tiree .
11 Right so it went from Cheltenham to London , a hundred and twenty miles , in two hours , what was its average speed ?
12 Of the vast number of Ayrshire people who have emigrated to Canada , the man who was most successful financially was Robert Dunsmuir ( 1825–89 ) who went from Hurlford to Vancouver Island and amassed a fortune from coal mining and other businesses ( See Chapter 31 ) but the man who did most towards the advancement of the new country was John Galt ( See Chapter 9 ) .
13 So Nora went from Jimi to Chris to Rotten .
14 I went from Alamein to Tobruk then to Syria .
15 Continuing his tour of crowned heads , Napoleon III went from Stuttgart to Weimar , where he met Franz-Joseph of Austria , but the encounter seems to have been no more than a routine courtesy call between sovereigns and the fact that it did not even take place in Vienna underlined the private nature of the meeting .
16 His keen eyes went from Thomas to Ralf .
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