Example sentences of "went to [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The £11 million fetched by the Turner trumps the previous highest price for a work by British artist : in 1990 Constable 's The Lock went to a Swiss collector for £10.78 million .
2 ‘ We went to a black bookstore in Birmingham , the guy took one look , saw the gun on the cover and said no .
3 ‘ I knew she went to a certain museum but I did n't know where else she went , nor any of her sources , nor what she paid for things .
4 On the next afternoon , as Paul was free , they went to a certain arcade to buy the ring , with Ellen following as always .
5 According to the Glasgow Daily Chronicle , Liverpool officials , ‘ by a curious coincidence ’ , went to a junior cup tie at Parkhead , Glasgow , which was being watched by a group from Aberdeen that included Jackson .
6 Okay , so they got the base line measurement , thirty five percent people use them , then they went to a variable ratio er token economy system .
7 Just over a year later , it went to a round-the-clock service .
8 She went to a small hospital near the house , and a few days later she died .
9 Green Fields , Grey Future , finds that 80 per cent of farmers received less than 10 per cent of the Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) budget in 1990 ; 37 per cent of the budget went to a small number of large industrial farms , with the rest of the money being spent on storing and disposing of surplus farm products .
10 His hair curled around his face , and he went to a small basin and swilled water from the tap , rubbing his face and head briskly with a towel .
11 I went to a small dressmaker in Lillie road with some material brought from Newfoundland on one of the brief dockings .
12 She parked a pencil in her hair , looked at her wristwatch , compared that with the wall clock , asked us what time we thought it was , then we all went to a small room that housed a phone and an old-fashioned-looking twelve-inch TV set .
13 One particular candidate responding to the survey went to a great deal of trouble to commit his decidedly anti-headhunting views to paper .
14 ‘ The SS went to a great deal of trouble on the public relations side : there was background music , lorries ready to transport women , children and the infirm , while prisoners were at hand to act as porters ; in short an atmosphere of relative welcome greeted the Jews when they got out of the cattle trucks … ’
15 They went to a tiny bar in Piazza Matteotti .
16 And when the pair went to a recent wedding , Sir Charles spray-painted an old gran 's hat for Lady Jeannie to make it look new .
17 They went to a strange place , with no piers or fun-fairs or candy floss .
18 I went to a co-educational school and I was not aware of any pressure for girls to go into arts and boys into science .
19 The greatest applause went to a young researcher who highlighted the poor career opportunities she faced .
20 I went to a Young Pioneer dance in Moscow … . ’
21 Mummy went to a real job
22 Vera went to a Quaker school in Cornwall and a short time later to school in Letchworth .
23 The offender and his accomplice went to a sub-post office at nine o'clock in the morning just as the safe was being opened .
24 Her heart went to a 57-year-old man , her liver to a baby of eight months , her kidneys to a teenage girl and boy , and her corneas were used to save the sight of two people .
25 Aunt knew her at school ; Aunt went to a posh boarding-school — only for a year or two — and she likes you to know it .
26 There was a Lot of chanting , and after , wards we went to a posh hotel and I got a free hat .
27 The first victim to give evidence against him , a 26-year-old secretary , was raped after being served spiked champagne at his surgery before they went to a mutual friend 's home for dinner .
28 His first victim , a 26-year-old secretary , was raped after being served spiked champagne at his surgery before they went to a mutual friend 's home for dinner in February 1991 .
29 Matthews entered the game at 3–4 as Colchester went to a one-setter system .
30 Rumour had it that if you went to a Norman Mailer party , you 'd see people smoking marijuana , covertly passing around a joint behind the bushes at the bottom of the garden .
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