Example sentences of "went [adv prt] [coord] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I thought well after ten years , I thought , well I want I still want to get on and erm so I heard of this job down at Cambridge Station as Assistant Manageress at the Refreshment Rooms , you see , and er it was n't quite the same because er at Ipswich , you see , although the Catering Manager 's office er my work was office work and typing you know general thing and er because he was away most of the day , most days , because of er er the ten stations er from stretching as I say from Chelmsford , Witham , Marks Tey , Colchester and er I think it was Clacton and er and Manningtree and er I think , I do n't know Manningtree and Ipswich of course and er then er Bury St Edmunds and , and that 's it and I am not sure whether you went to Newmarket or whether to Ca whether to Cambridge now Newmarket but er , you see , so the days went on and we worked every other Sunday and of course I know things were a lot cheaper then but you see the pay was n't , was n't very good .
2 As the Saturday evening went on and everyone made use of the food and drinks on site , the Leisure Promotions team set about arranging the well-known Night Event .
3 And then he went on and he landed up in Seattle the time they were going up to the Klondike Gold Rush .
4 The rehearsal went on and he watched her all the time .
5 The liner went in with no hassle at all , and I was grateful for Absat 's superior flexibility when the hose went on and I went into the rapidly filling hole to smooth out the creases .
6 So life went on and I adapted to my new country , to living as a black youngster in a white-dominated society .
7 As time went on and I knew that I had a fight on my hands , healing became as important to me as my new diet or the other new therapies .
8 A lot of pushing and shoving went on and I panicked a bit , so Uncle picked me up in his arms to protect me and calm me down .
9 Then we parted , I went on and she went back with Blazer to the stable yard .
10 Oh Daddy I went into the upstairs bathroom and turned on the light , it went on and it went ping and then turned off again .
11 Er about this strike and er but time went on and it became obvious that er nobody were going to win only the boss like this boss , course he was he was scratching through , and so they called the strike off and every person who worked at er every firm had a meeting and they all decided to take so many and every firm took so many of the workers and so nobody was ever unemployed as a consequence of the strike which was very very good .
12 When we started filming she was very shy but she got better as she went along and she picked up confidence .
13 And then maybe after it 'd been cut for two days , you were sent out to turn the swathes , up all you went along and you turned them and turned them .
14 You see the tractor driving it , there 's the load , this was gathering up the hay as it went along and it tipped it over and we had to make the loads you see .
15 He went down and they carried him out .
16 And we actually then went down and we looked all over the place and there are quite a number of pallets that in fact are not properly stacked .
17 The lights went down and he sat at the back , trying to gauge the reaction of a packed audience .
18 Okay , so he was a porter , low man in the hierarchy , but this was the kind of time when the barriers went down and he did n't have to wear a label .
19 And I went down and he gave me a letter , he says Take your wife in to the general hospital with this letter .
20 He says I 'm coming New Year 's Day , alright , he went down and he shut it , cos I went in the shop and I says er hang on I thought you was open New Year 's Day ?
21 I had a phone call from so she said to me come down to the admin , so I went down and she 'd opened the letter and give it back to us .
22 One lass went down and she had some glass or something , and she was threatening to slash her wrists and there was a screw shouting , ‘ Well do it .
23 We went with Traffens one year , the first year in fact we went with Traffens and that was super because when we got to the other side sort of , it was then about ten o'clock he said well if you if there 's enough people want it we will transform your transform your seats into bunks and most people wanted and you were able to push the seats so one , two pairs of seats one of the seats went up and the other went down and you had four bunks
24 Your mood went down and you found yourself avoiding meeting friends and playing golf … .
25 Yeah , well , I went down and I said to after the eng the engineer had seen it , he said like
26 The lift went down and it kept on doing it .
27 Oh did n't wan na leave home , but anyway she went in and somebody said , oh it 'll be about a week you know my fifth one really .
28 fancy the paella he said no problem I make paella so , I mean all of half an hour went by , but we went in and we had paella and then all these people started dancing , they moved the chairs back and they started clapping and singing and dancing and I said is this
29 We went in and we paid seven pounds for me and my mum to get in , we did n't pay for the kids cos if they know they 're gon na sit on your lap , they get in there for nothing , but once we get in there we give them their own chair anyway , providing you go in like it 's not in the first week , the following week when the show is quieter and not so many people going
30 On the Tuesday I went in and they said that a letter would follow right that was on the Tuesday the twenty first something like that , then I never heard nothing from them until this came lunchtime post this Monday recorded delivery .
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