Example sentences of "went [adv] [adv] into the " in BNC.

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1 I went on through into the dome car where there were three more bedrooms before one came to the bar , which was furnished with tables , seating and barman .
2 Enquiries on the ship to establish ownership of the goods went on well into the wee small hours , continuing the following day , Sunday .
3 Then of course there were the social occasions and Dave threw a truly memorable ceilidh at his house before we left , which went on well into the wee small hours .
4 The GB and Ireland team went wild , rushing across the green to swamp their Scottish saviour and the celebrations went on long into the night , and the morning too .
5 And they were expecting , of course , a well-run settlement , a sort of East Anglian kibbutz , where the members had appointed duties , where vegetarianism prevailed and brown rice had an almost holy significance and discussions on mystical or occult or philosophic subjects went on long into the night .
6 In the Old Sun the loom seemed never to stop , yet no-one was turned away , and conversation went on long into the afternoon and night .
7 They had n't the appeal of the stinking lanes fitfully lit by naphtha flares in the souks when a fair went on long into the night .
8 And the celebrations went on long into the night … they could n't have done any better Down Under .
9 Alina , meanwhile , went on out into the daylight .
10 By comparison with the religious orders , the secular church went much closer into the life of ordinary people .
11 So as not to have to watch the empty road for the postman on the day that the results were due each girl went separately deep into the fields but they were n't able to stay alone for long ; and each time they came back to the road it was still empty .
12 The two men went off deep into the surrounding countryside on a series of expeditions , to the heath near Seppe , and to a big swamp , the so-called Passievaart .
13 Emil beckoned me towards the kitchen end , and I went up there into the small lobby with a serving counter , a space that made a needed gap between the hot glittering galley and the actual dining area .
14 We went straight out into the road and bang !
15 They went out together into the cold and dusty night .
16 I did n't run straight home to the house , but went back up into the dunes and sat down there , holding the flowers .
17 She went back out into the daylight and began to gather together some of the larger rocks that were scattered about .
18 She went back out into the bright sunshine while Julius made all the arrangements for Eleanor 's departure .
19 They went back out into the cemetery .
20 The rivalry between these two , which went far back into the seventeenth century , was ended only by an agreeement of 1790 .
21 He went cautiously out into the field , squatted down against a clump of thistles and began to smell the wind .
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