Example sentences of "next [noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] be " in BNC.

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1 The reassurance is that there will be a Conservative Government to fight for them , and that after the next election they will be represented by a Conservative Member for Monmouth .
2 So in parts of the next chapter you will be getting quite a lot of detail .
3 The land will then be leased to the parish council at a peppercorn rent of 99 years , and from the next spring they will be responsible for its maintenance .
4 In our next issue we will be examining why some people still resist the pressure to pick up after their dogs .
5 In the next issue I shall be giving my findings on the diverse range of cordless power-tools sampled , with a few performance statistics , including a simple drill test .
6 Once the gospel has been received by a group and a church formed , the next question which must be faced is , ‘ How should this Christian community live and organise itself to express most authentically the new life of the gospel within that cultural context ? ’
7 In the next scene they could be the high priest .
8 So if you could do that for the next meeting I 'd be grateful .
9 Sometimes they will walk fast , even running from place to place , and then they will skip or hop , and the next moment they will be walking quite slowly ( much to their mothers ' annoyance ) .
10 Come the next general he 'll be able to judge the value of that crass statement himself as he and the rest of his cabinet are replaced by a Party that has policies to develop real training and employment opportunities for the people of and for the country , and that will be a Labour cabinet and a Labour Government .
11 It is possible for teachers to keep a personal notebook which does not form part of the record and is not open to subject access , but if information is intended to be used officially and passed on to the next teacher it should be treated in the same way as the formal record .
12 and the next night he 'll be kipping and the other one I 'll be working and that 's how they used to go on and it eventually , that 's why it was ten English worker 's to one Japanese because of that reason
13 The loser will go and hide , but the next minute they will be as ‘ chummy ’ as ever .
14 The next minute you could be called out to a sudden death .
15 There is no doubt that by returning to nursing in the next decade you will be helping to prepare the profession for the enormous demographic and social challenges facing Britain in the 21st century .
16 Next day we will be visiting John Beckman 's Applenotch herd at Minster , Ohio , and international judge Lauren Elysass will be our host in the afternoon when he shows us around Quiet Cove Farms .
17 Next day there would be a telephone call , ‘ Is that George Dionisovich ? ’
18 Next day there could be a grand concert , details of which will be released later .
19 I lie there light-headed on the pillow at half-past four in the morning , knowing that anyway it 's nearly over , that by this time tomorrow we 'll have done it , that by this time the next day I 'll be out of the country .
20 and I could take on anything then the next day I 'd be trying to kill myself .
21 ‘ Yesterday it was only up to my knees : by tomorrow or the next day it 'll be this high at least . ’
22 Already experienced in flight , next month they 'll be going over the North Pole .
23 Next month we 'll be looking at ways of making the most of your hard earned cash .
24 Next month he will be telling ministers what his plans are
25 On the twentieth o f next month you 'll be twenty-two .
26 Next month I 'll be writing about the 2×2 ribs .
27 Next month I 'll be looking at technical support hotlines , and where you can get independent advice if you 've got problems with your software .
28 They often have people in doing talks , so later on this or early next month I 'll be able to get a couple of hours talks .
29 Next month I 'll be looking at how to use you 're spreadsheet to work out whether its more cost effective to buy or rent property .
30 Next month I 'll be looking at some of the techniques used in drawing software and reviewing a selection of packages .
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