Example sentences of "next [noun] [pron] see a " in BNC.

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1 In the next act we see a mountain village , where a feckless Kuomintang soldier is slouching around keeping an eye on the villagers .
2 Sometime during the next day he saw a man in a harness being lowered by cable towards Corti ; heard a shout : ‘ I have him ! ’
3 Turning the next corner she saw a hole in the roof , where the sunlight was streaming in .
4 So next time you see a decaying barn or cottage , stop the car , take a snap or two , and send them to SAVE with the name and address of the property .
5 The next time you see a GP rider in a post-race sweat , do n't wonder why .
6 So next time you see a sign board advertising a new Wimpey development look at the name .
7 But the next time you see a bag of ‘ icing sugar ’ lying around I suggest that you do n't pick it up ! ’ he added with heavy sarcasm .
8 But next time I see a tiny snippet buried deep on page seven about a quake in Tokyo , I shall do a bit of trembling myself .
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