Example sentences of "' [noun] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 London local authorities had delayed hearing petitioners ' cases and put them to considerable inconvenience .
2 Otherwise , I 'd suggest you leaf through the many shareware suppliers ' adverts and examine their offerings .
3 She was jealous of her husband 's many romantic liaisons and was a formidable opponent , with many stories being told of her harrying Zeus ' mistresses and persecuting his illegitimate children .
4 It was all very well going on about pure logic and how the universe was ruled by logic and the harmony of numbers , but the plain fact of the matter was that the disc was manifestly traversing space on the back of a giant turtle and the gods had a habit of going round to atheists ' houses and smashing their windows .
5 She had inherited a substantial sum of money from her parents ' estates and devoted herself to works of charity .
6 One of the reasons we developed a design-led retail business , offering our own unique products , was because we saw we could distance ourselves from other retailers who were just selling manufacturers ' products and discounting them and getting into constant competitive battles .
7 Coaching is the personal help which you give to develop your subordinates ' skills and improve their way of working .
8 For example , the major criticism which parents made of social workers concerned their poor communications , lack of openness and honesty , failure to value parents ' strengths and to treat them as equals , and a failure to involve parents in decisions .
9 Peace did not reign for long as he provoked the ultimate chop for himself by one day taking his scissors to all of the models ' heads and cropping them .
10 The more senior staff also say they feel more competent to conduct the review , have contributed to more of the report directly , found the LEA guidelines more useful , report that outsiders were more involved in their schools ' review and consider their reports to be more judgmental .
11 Jack Mason appeared at the players ' entrance and greeted me in his usual jovial way .
12 Ceauşescu knew that he could not both meet the miners ' demands and achieve his economic targets .
13 He was a leading light in the Cinematograph Exhibitors ' Association and expanded his business by acquiring and developing a chain of cinemas — which he named Vogue — in places like Govan , Rutherglen and Shettleston .
14 It invades privacy , with investigators spying on claimants ' homes and questioning their children ( Lister , 1973 ) .
15 She took her arms away from round her kids ' shoulders and held them out for him .
16 And some chap came down from the M G B Owners ' Club and said he 'd offer him six thousand for it .
17 He greatly influenced modern methods of excavation : he deliberately studied Pitt-Rivers ' methods and modified them to his own ideas .
18 A friend of mine Dave who wrote half the album with me and produced the album has been on at me for five years , come on let's make an album , let's make an album , let's make an album , making a , let's make an album er and a few record companies have come on and they 've always wanted me to do an album like maybe , let's prepackage old sixties ' songs and revise them , or let's do love themes from T V shows and which would never have interested me , so I said to Dave , you know when a record company comes with an offer to make an album , to do the album I wan na do then we 'll do one .
19 If an employee 's hand slips into the governor 's pocket and removes any spare cash , that is theft ; if the governor puts his hand into employees ' pockets and takes their spare cash , i.e. reduces wages , even below the legal minimum , that is the labour market operating reasonably .
20 According to the magazine , which has published only artist 's impressions of the pictures , it was Fergie 's discovery of the photos that ended the Yorks ' marriage and sent her into Bryan 's arms .
21 Reform and strengthen local government , removing unnecessary tiers , restoring councils ' independence and ensuring they are accountable to the people through a fair voting system .
22 He would stand in the gents ' cubicle and work his way through the fantasy , peeing in synchronization with the finale .
23 Towards noon on 5th October , Howard 's treaty Nez Perce scouts Captain John and Old George carried a white flag to the fugitives ' lines and asked them to make peace .
24 Campion stabbed his finger twice , once at Carson , you , and then towards the road shoulder , over there , and then Sorvino put the Ford across the Mercedes ' bows and slowed him into the side of the road .
25 When he eventually died , Alexander built a city in Bucephalus ' honour and died himself shortly afterwards .
26 The GCSE , which stresses individual initiative and competence , has boosted students ' confidence and encouraged their interest in learning .
27 Like advertisements , window displays aim to attract the customers ' attention and persuade them to enter the shop and buy .
28 Reid 's role in this coup is not to put money on the eventual winner but to back other horses in the race , thus distracting the bookies ' attention and stopping them pulling their usual trick which is to depress the winner 's official starting price by similar last-minute shenanigans .
29 This will attract the fishes ' attention and encourage them to feed .
30 And it 's really to make people to attract peoples ' attention and to make them think about these issues .
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