Example sentences of "' [noun] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I grabbed Shifty-Eyes ' foot as it landed again and hung on .
2 Questions could be asked about the failure of the NRA to include in its cost estimate the sum of £6 million of taxpayers ' money that it has already spent promoting the scheme , or it could consider any of the indirect costs arising from the construction of the channel .
3 The social world must be seen through the actors ' eyes because it depends on how they see it and it works in whatever way social capacities are exercised .
4 S 40 provides that a charitable company must obtain the Commissioners ' consent before it makes a change in its objectives .
5 S 41 states that a charitable company must get the Commissioners ' consent before it carries out certain transactions with its directors , such as payments in respect of loss of office or retirement .
6 Indeed , this management does affect the community because of internal borrowing between the superannuation and general fund since the general fund provides employers ' contributions and it charges for administration costs .
7 According to witnesses , the car drove up an alley between Corporation Road and Kingston Street and smashed into a wall near Frank and Chris ' Shop as it turned left .
8 Held , ( 1 ) that on an appeal to the High Court from a decision of justices under the Children Act 1989 fresh evidence could be adduced only with leave in exceptional circumstances , and the court would not interfere with the exercise of the justices ' discretion unless it considered that their decision was plainly wrong or that they had erred in principle ; and that , further , an interm order would not lightly be interfered with in view of its temporary nature and the often provisional character of the evidence ( post , p. 271A–B ) .
9 We know , for instance , from Pepys ' Diary that it continued to be possible to exchange coins of the Commonwealth for three months after their demonetisation by Charles II .
10 When are we gon na have rules revisions , there 's a long way to go and as the , the er General Secretary said , be careful , because I 've been to talks with , on , from the Regional Committee with the T & G yes we got on lovely with them , they 're fine , they , they gave us a nice big er commemorative medal of the dockers ' strike and it 's got my granddad and my great granddad on it cos they was there in the other union mind you while we 've done all the striking and that they stood by , but nevertheless they 're not bad lads anyway and as John said we must be careful that we are not the ones that are gon na be taken over , because I remember that old song of the fifties , never smile at a crocodile
11 This was the long haired girls ' compromise but it became very common early 70s style for girls & for boys .
12 The government refused to agree to the Indians ' demand that it abandon its militarized " security zone " on the Peruvian frontier , and pass a constitutional amendment recognizing the country as " multi-cultural and multi-national " .
13 And last January saw the collapse of New Zealander Allen Hawkins ' Equiticorp after it had bought Britain 's GPG , parent of venerable institutions including Guinness Peat and Guinness Mahon .
14 This particular skill of Tamburlaine 's is a recurrent theme from start to finish , and we first notice it when he is confronted by Theridamas. he realises that the odds are stacked high in Theridamas ' favour when it comes to the battle , and so he decides to appease Theridamas , and he uses his words as weapons .
15 Few other authorities have supported Jennings ' assertion and it has not found acceptance by most practitioners of government .
16 They might make an incidental contribution to crop production by agreeing to graze their herds over settled farmers ' land once it had been harvested .
17 Much high praise has already come Mohicans ' way and it has done astounding US box-office business , but despite this it is on occasion a flawed film with a sometimes patchy pace and a structure that wobbles in the final 30 minutes .
18 It does n't fit with a newscasters ' tradition so it has to be tied down .
19 There followed a few minutes ' discussion where it seemed Cicely Hepwood had been all set to cancel an arrangement she and her husband had to visit a sick friend in hospital that afternoon .
20 If it picks an insider or a retiree , then we will all be back to writing the company 's obituary in three months ' time so it has to be an outsider , and one name canvassed that should be crossed off the list at once is that of ‘ Neutron ’ Jack Welch , boss of General Electric Co — not because he does n't have the capability but because he does not have a background in the computer industry .
21 It would be surprising if benchmarking attracts as much media attention in five years ' time as it does now .
22 Particular backdrops were fashionable at different times ( and the furniture or background in an old photograph may tell us more about tastes and fashions in photographers ' studios than it does about furniture in homes ) .
23 The sun was still bright as we approached the Quigleys ' house but it did n't seem to have reached their road , which was the same as it ever was : dank and green and desperately quiet .
24 But in December 1985 United States ’ officials indicated that they could accept a United Nations ' agreement if it led to a ‘ comprehensive and just settlement ’ , involving a short time frame for Soviet withdrawal and self-determination .
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