Example sentences of "why [pron] [vb past] [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Oh that 's why I came up was n't it ?
2 Juror : ‘ I 've had some drink and that 's why I asked when is it dinner time . ’
3 She in turn asked why I had n't been to visit her .
4 Very disappointed , I went to the Headmistress to ask why I had not been considered suitable .
5 I could n't understand why I 'd not been killed when there were so many others who …
6 Confronted with Donna 's exuberant wardrobe , she realized there were only two courses open to her : either she took it on the chin ( ‘ straight spine , old girl , ’ ) , or she slunk away and refused to answer the phone when Donna called to see why she had n't been met .
7 She was in a fairly emotional state , in that she 'd known nothing about the wedding , wondered why she had n't been told , and demanded the time and location of the ceremony .
8 Officers were last night trying to find her parents and discover why she had not been reported missing .
9 It turned out that our candidate , who came to address us one evening , knew my Aunt Kit and had the greatest admiration for her , even though he also knew that the only reason why she had not been offered another , safer constituency after 1945 was that it had become too obvious she was unable to keep off the drink .
10 " He wanted to know why you had n't been to class lately . "
11 I thought that was why you had n't been round cos I never come
12 You want Polos , I know that 's why we came out is n't it lucky girl .
13 I wondered who had abandoned them there and why they had not been removed .
14 This was why they had all been calling him ‘ sir ’ .
15 ‘ You look well , Lili , ’ he remarked , also without warmth , and I wondered why they had ever been friends since they did n't like each other .
16 Because one reason in Nottingham why they went back was the fact Blidworth Pit was starting to turn coal .
17 About how Mr Harker was going out of business , which was why they 'd all been pushed harder than ever the last few weeks .
18 and the reason why they did n't is because the losses at the moment are acceptable .
19 The reason why they did so was that in the case of man neoteny was an evolutionary trend largely in the service of ego and superego development .
20 This explained why it had not been possible to get four separate channels of sound out of the record .
21 An elderly female novelist had come in at a quarter to six and Penelope had found herself trying to explain why her latest novel had not been reviewed in the Sunday Telegraph , why it had not been advertised more widely , why copies had not been displayed on the bookstall of a friend 's local station , why it had not yet been reprinted .
22 He wondered why it had not been fired .
23 For a moment , for the first time in his life , he began to realize why his grandfather had never lost his love of Mother Russia , why it had always been in his blood .
24 Once , therefore , a national curriculum for England and Wales appeared on the agenda , the general reaction was to wonder why it had never been seriously considered before .
25 Wondering why he had n't been awakened for his breakfast , he contemplated snuggling down beneath the covers for another few moments when he heard the door bell ring .
26 The greatest human being I ever met , Bill Shankly , sent me a letter 20 years ago , after hearing I 'd written to Harold Wilson demanding to know why he had n't been honoured .
27 Her eyes scanned the first page quickly , taking in the expected account of how Ellen had looked after Oreste as her own , but when she came to the reasons why he had not been handed over to Gigia , Wilson slowed down and even repeated the words to herself .
28 Indeed , with Rush scoring two of West Ham 's four , his first goals for the club , the question of why he had not been tried earlier was of paramount interest .
29 As he sipped his wine in the bright , busy square , he thought that although the language was certainly a problem and one that he would have to continue to struggle with , it only provided him with an excuse , really , an excuse for why he had not been able to get down to the job of looking for Elsie .
30 One after the other was called to report why he had not been to the police court for a long period , and threatened that if he did not do more work in the future he would lose pay .
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