Example sentences of "why [pron] have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And that was why everyone had been lying .
2 After the initial dismay he began to wonder why nothing had been devised to protect switches .
3 And you say oh , about ninety eight , that 's why I 've been seen for , and you say come with me .
4 That 's probably why I 've been getting low but it 's something funny . .
5 ‘ That 's why I 've been trying to get hold of you . ’
6 Yes it 's it 's it was one of the er advertisements or programmes that went out on radio er again this is why I 've been trying to get over to people the sad things that have to happen to animals .
7 That 's why I 've been punished through his death .
8 Too many nursing lectures are given by unqualified lecturers , and it is not uncommon for a person chosen to speak on a particular aspect of care to begin the lecture by saying : ‘ I do n't know why I 've been asked to speak , I 've limited experience in this field . ’
9 That 's why I 've been delayed in getting over to see you .
10 ‘ Angel , ’ she said , ‘ do you know why I 've been running after you ?
11 I 'm going to bed cos I 'm actually knackered and I do n't why I 've been sitting here talking
12 ‘ I do n't know why I 've been dropped but I can only think it 's something to do with my run-ins with those high-profile managers .
13 Of course , I had no idea whether these ladies were right or wrong , but the revelation of fragments of past lives helped me come to terms with my true nature , and to understand why I had been troubled in the past .
14 ‘ The revelation of these fragments of past lives helped me to come to terms with my true nature , and to understand why I had been troubled in the past . ’
15 I understood why I had been urged to hurry .
16 You 're right , are n't you Yes , once he got going , I knew why I 'd been holding back .
17 I began to forget why I 'd been attracted to him in the first place . ’
18 I 'm not quite sure why I have been summoned to the Home Office . "
19 Eyes turned to boarded up windows and rubbish strewn in gardens and the depressing picture moved the prince to say : ‘ This is why I have been going on for so long about architecture in the environment . ’
20 ‘ I have not decided whether to appeal because I have not yet officially been informed as to why I have been fined ’ he said .
21 Though why she 'd been trying to do that , heaven only knew .
22 A little overwhelmed by the extent of his authority , she understood why she 'd been drawn to him .
23 She knew now why she had been born , born for his love only .
24 You know , Mrs Winkowski , girls will talk , and I suppose it was during one of Millie 's lonely periods while under the sisters that she confided in Annabel why she had been sent to the school .
25 Yesterday , at 3.30pm , her neighbours realised why she had been smiling and waving once more , driving the green Subaru down the winding dirt-track to her Wiltshire home .
26 She did n't understand why she had been taken from them when they loved her and wanted to keep her .
27 That 's why she 's been hired .
28 Sometimes , the pharmacist may need to ask why you 've been prescribed the medicines just to clear up any confusion .
29 That 's why you 've been tracking him all over Central America .
30 ‘ So that 's why you 've been clinging to me like a leech all these months .
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