Example sentences of "number of [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You know if you did n't fill it in , they would act actually catch up with you at some stage and you may erm if you had exceeded the limit be erm you know you may be issued with a demand for a cheque for X for X number of pounds for overpayment of pension .
2 We 've received a number of apologies for absence .
3 He will be able to handle a wider range of options with only mnemonic guidance — for him the minimum number of key-strokes for program control is appropriate .
4 Friedman ( 1959 ) gave a number of stains for calcite .
5 Third , there are a number of criteria for goodness of fit .
6 In the last couple of years the number of connections for fax terminals alone has doubled , and is now around a million — and that 's just in the UK .
7 The motion did , however , contain a number of conditions for membership , the principal such condition being that Sweden should be allowed to maintain its traditional policy of neutrality .
8 We 've also got the bills for payment er on your list , there are a number of bills for payment , are there any questions about those bills for payment ?
9 Gosplan and other central economic organs from 1921 on had accumulated on paper a number of plans for reconstruction which they were now eager to realize .
10 I shall be selecting a number of works for discussion in a later issue , but meanwhile should you have any queries or need advice concerning any of the points raised in the series please write in and they too will be answered in a forthcoming edition .
11 The requirements upon issue are : ( 1 ) filing by the applicant of the originating application ( N312 ) , a copy of each named respondent and two further copies ; ( 2 ) an affidavit in support with the same number of copies for service ; the affidavit should state : ( a ) the applicant 's interest in the land ; ( b ) the circumstances in which the land has been occupied without licence or consent and in which his claim to possession arises ; and ( c ) if it be that the name of any person occupying the land is not stated in the originating application , that the applicant does not know the name of such person .
12 It would be rare to come across policy statements which are explicit about the level of provision accorded to undergraduates vis-à-vis other groups , but some universities develop rule of thumb guidelines — for instance , a maximum number of copies for undergraduate texts , or ( commonly ) a rule restricting research material to single copies .
13 You 'll see that both the number of requests for service , and the number of visits made are well up on previous half years , and although some of that is due to probably the highest figure on insect complaints we 've ever had for six months , and erm it 's not all that , much of it is lately the department has been very , very busy indeed .
14 To continue to reply to the increasing number of requests for material for Standard Grade and Higher prospects and to this end to develop a limited resource base in the Education Secretary 's office ( beyond our own material ) .
15 NISW initially saw the need after receiving a large number of requests for information and assistance from home and abroad .
16 The number of cases for discipline decrease but there is still the occasional case of antenuptial fornication up to the closure of the book in 1916 .
17 I am delighted that the number of disconnections for debt has continued to fall .
18 A number of proposals for eco-tourism as a way of funding the forest 's preservation , and providing an income for local people , have been put forward .
19 The number of proposals for Pilot Schemes is more than double that for Phase 1 and the standard of the initial submissions is encouraging .
20 The influence of process and research models for curriculum development can also be detected in a number of proposals for insider evaluation .
21 A number of venues for peace talks were proposed in May and June including the mine site itself at Panguna ( unacceptable to Namaliu ) , and the capital of neighbouring Solomon Islands , Honiara ( unacceptable to the BRA on security grounds ) .
22 The average number of word-paths for Ms was 3.73 x 1013 .
23 Scale 1/MPG appointees were recruited to a fairly open brief , which set out a number of options for negotiation between appointee and head : taking a class , releasing a teaching head , releasing other staff , working alongside colleagues in a ‘ support ’ role , facilitating and/or organizing school visits , covering for colleagues , and so on .
24 There are a number of reasons for incontinence , and these come under two broad headings , physical and environmental .
25 There are a number of reasons for crime .
26 The action sequences of the new series gave rise to a number of stunts for actor Hugh Laurie .
27 An increasing number of claims for night visits was recorded during the 1970s , and anecdotal evidence suggests that this trend continued both before and after the new contract , although no figures have been published .
28 The agency identified a number of locations for area or integrated projects , of which at least seven were undertaken in places such as Motherwell , Leith ( Lothian ) and Dundee .
29 This unit , consisting of a talented team of technicians and artists , produced a number of tapes for sale by the BDA 's video service which had been started by Dorothy Miles , one of the most artistic people within the deaf community .
30 It 's meant the number of referrals for help have dropped significantly .
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