Example sentences of "number [prep] [noun pl] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Should he ration the number of pages he read per day or should he just read the book straight through ?
2 Yesterday the Banking Ombudsman revealed that the number of complaints he received last year jumped by 60 per cent .
3 While he 's often only known for number of aces he blasts — 929 so far this year — last night his all-round game was on show and he served only six aces .
4 He was probably the sort of liberal , Dexter thought , who boasted of the number of blacks he knew but whose acquaintance was limited to inviting them round to show off at trendy drinks parties .
5 Quiss had found himself there first , and after a little while , when he realised that there was no night and day , just the one flat , monotone light always there beyond the windows , he had started to keep a tally of the number of times he slept .
6 The only sign he ever gave that anything was amiss in his family was the number of times he got out his thumbnail-sized pipe for the comfort of the single puff it gave him .
7 ‘ Counting the number of times he says ‘ Caroline this ’ , or ‘ Caroline that ’ … ’
8 However , they felt it would be in his best interests to send him there , because of the number of times he has run away from council care .
9 However , they felt it would be in his best interests to send him there , because of the number of times he has run away from council care .
10 I remember wickedly making a note at one assembly of the number of times he spoke and believe it or not the total was sixty seven .
11 He has lost count of the number of operations he had , probably around a dozen , but thankfully his spine was virtually undamaged .
12 more information I mean this is , I mean this is part of what I was talk mythology I mean we 're talking about the index survey so when I raised the example of Churchill and the Churchill ex example is , was a good one because I mean he was an intellectual in his way , you know I mean he was a big bright cookie and but his was in terms of word count because he had a use of words for the way he used his words was how ordinary people would understand him I mean if you go back to you know we will fight them on the beaches and everything else I mean you think of the number of syllables he used in those words etcetera , etcetera I mean that 's sort of what I 'm getting to I mean he had his sharp succinct approach you know
13 The hitter would then nominate the number of strides he needed to fetch the pig .
14 She was different from most of the considerable number of women he had known .
15 But when , as I fear , you have lost your innocence and added another to the number of fools he has ruined , I can not help showing my displeasure to you .
16 Sammy had his own log book and the number of sorties he did over Germany varied according to the time of night and the amount of beer consumed in that period .
17 More revealing perhaps is the number of horses he ran during those two winters .
18 If the model armed with a Man Catcher hits his opponent roll a D6 : if the score is more than the target 's toughness he is caught and killed automatically , regardless of the number of wounds he has or armour .
19 Wilkos recent statements about having to sell players before he can buy is just the number of players he has … not that we have nt got the money .
20 He could pluck examples of the universal spirit from any number of societies he had studied .
21 This was supported by the correlation between the male 's condition at the start of the season and the number of days he spent incubating eggs .
22 ‘ What you need is a permanent display somewhere in London ; perhaps John 's photograph and the number of days he 's been held .
23 The Danakil did not hunt and the Abyssinians , who had wiped out most of the game elsewhere , were afraid to venture into their country , since among the Danakil a man 's standing depended on the number of men he had killed and castrated .
24 An individual 's wealth tended to be reflected in the number of hearths he had in his house .
25 One of a number of examples he gives is ‘ The Silence of the Lambs ’ , released in the West End of London in May , 1991 .
26 Erm the inspectors used to come round and it was the number of pupils he managed to get into the county school that added a lot of points to his record .
27 I 'm glad to say it got a thorough sort of leathering in the Lords , and so I think it 's rather premature for him to say that by fixing a budget we have belighted the whole police service in Wiltshire , for the next er , eight or whatever number of years he said , I think that certainly is rather premature .
28 divide by the number of tests he had .
29 The sickness scheme provided not just cash benefits but also medical treatment , from a ‘ panel ’ doctor who was remunerated on a ‘ capitation basis ’ in terms of the number of patients he accepted on his panel .
30 The warden was responsible for the conduct of the foresters of fee : on a number of occasions he seized their bailiwicks because of their misconduct .
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