Example sentences of "number [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are a number of viewpoints of the city from the ring road
2 Argument means resolving differences by discussion ; this can encourage integration of a number of viewpoints into a better solution .
3 There is n't even a close second , but obviously there are a good number of queries on the most commonly kept cichlids — Kribs ( Pelvicachromis pulcher ) , Angels ( Pterophyllum scalare ) , Rams ( Papilichromis ramirezi ) , Firemouths ( Thorichthys meeki ) , Severums ( Heros severus ) and Convicts ( ‘ Cichlasoma ’ nigrofasciatum ) .
4 If there are expected to be a number of queries of the type ‘ How many lecturers are over 40 years of age ? ’ , the database administrator may well consider using date-of-birth as a key for inclusion in the index .
5 A member who made less than 10 per cent of the average number of dealings in the year immediately preceding the general meeting may not exercise his voting right .
6 Only use this latter method if the number of stitches in the repeat divides exactly into the number of stitches across the body ( plus one stitch each side of the seam allowance ) .
7 Only use this latter method if the number of stitches in the repeat divides exactly into the number of stitches across the body ( plus one stitch each side of the seam allowance ) .
8 When knitting a garment in all over pattern , the two facts i always take into account when positioning the N1 cam are firstly , the number of stitches in the pattern and secondly , the number of stitches required for the garment piece .
9 It is assumed that the statements made by a small number of teachers during the case study interviews each refer to one or more underlying attitudes , towards the Solihull scheme or towards SSE as a general notion .
10 The only possible savings would be from reductions in the number of teachers in the maintained schools , which would come about if parents were to stick to the survey preferences that they indicated for the independent sector .
11 Money for the leukaemia fund was raised through a number of activities including a non-uniform day , a Christmas concert , a carol service collection , together with individual and parental contributions .
12 ‘ I get satisfaction from being able to be involved in a number of activities in the part of the world where
13 Quality Assurance : a number of activities in the Department of Highways have been quality assured in the past year .
14 There is an average number of accesses during a specified period of about sixty-five .
15 The model should make it through the inverted position , but will lose lots of speed in the process which can cause any number of effects during the inverted climb phase .
16 His knowledge of coalmining and the geology of the north of England coalfields was now such that his assistance was frequently called upon by mine owners and speculators , and he acquired interests in a number of mines in the area .
17 In fact this exercise was undertaken for the whole school , and led to a number of improvements to the programme in all year groups .
18 the Board has responded to the government with regard to the pensions issue , and suggested a number of improvements to the government 's proposals .
19 Despite the limitations of mortality data it is possible to draw a number of conclusions about the distribution of health and illness in later life .
20 A gene which causes its carrier to forgo reproduction in favour of raising relatives will increase in frequency in the population if the number of replicas of the gene in those relatives is greater than the number which would have been present in its own offspring .
21 Bedworth and two other men are charged with a number of offences under the Computer Misuse Act .
22 For the age range 14 and under 17 , prosecution is only possible for a limited number of offences on the authority of a magistrate , and the extended care , protection and control procedure is used in most cases .
23 Meikle [ 1990 ] Crim.L.R. 801 , where it had been made clear that prosecutors are fully entitled to bring any number of offences against a single defendant at different times and so cause to be in existence a number of custody time limits not coinciding wholly with one another .
24 Where the husband goes so far as to cause injury , there are available a number of offences against the person with which he may be charged , but the gravamen of the husband 's conduct is the injury he has caused not the sexual intercourse he has forced . ’
25 To issue a number of discs of a set separately and then issue those discs in a boxed set with other discs not separately issued is simply dishonest .
26 During the week there had been a number of calls to the flat .
27 Call rate ( number of calls in a given period )
28 He reflected that in his twenty year association with the Institution the lifeboat fleet had been adapted to cope with an increasing variety of casualties , from being tailored to serve merchant and fishing vessels it was now dealing with more than an equal number of calls from the holiday maker and the pleasure sailor .
29 Modern surveying equipment such as Electronic Distance Measurement devices greatly facilitate this , not least because of their ability to store survey readings on data loggers , small electronic devices that record a large number of readings in a form that can later be easily transferred to a personal computer ( fig. 9.8 ) .
30 However , he also relied upon a number of criticisms of the judge 's summing up .
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