Example sentences of "number [prep] [noun] [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cavaye recommends that caterers buy an extra 10% to 15% more than the number of covers on main items like knives , forks and spoons , double the number for teaspoons and a little over half for fish knives .
2 At a macro level the decisions could involve the option of a reduction in the number of teachers and the closing of some schools , which keeps the cost per child constant and reduces total expenditure ; or the improvement of educational standards through reducing the number of pupils per teacher and therefore increasing unit costs .
3 Broadly speaking , the increase in the postsynaptic response generated at potentiated synapses could be due to ( 1 ) presynaptic modifications which result in an increase in the amount of L-glutamate released per impulse , ( 2 ) postsynaptic modifications , such as an increase in the number of receptors or a change in their functional characteristics , ( 3 ) an extrasynaptic change , such as a reduction in uptake of L-glutamate by glial cells leading to increased neurotransmitter availability at the receptors , or ( 4 ) morphological modifications .
4 Thus , even if space is left within and at the end of each index , updating will involve the shifting and shuffling of a number of records or the use of pointers and links to the new records .
5 In another school the project became subsumed within a major review of the lower-school curriculum , and , as we have seen above , in School G the project gave birth to a completely new initiative , providing a mutual focus for the distinct aspirations of a number of departments and a shared resource base for more closely integrated interdisciplinary work .
6 If actually implemented , the plan would involve the largest UN force ever deployed , with up to 10,000 troops and an equivalent number of civilians and an estimated cost of £1,500 million ( approximately US$2,918 million ) .
7 An increasing number of archivists and a few historians are coming to believe that a major change has taken place in the manner in which human society creates the evidence which will be used by the historians who , in the future , come to write about the late twentieth century ( Morris , et. al. 1992 ) .
8 It is true because Wirral , as a suburban borough with an interesting and extensive coastline , an impressive green belt , some extremely affluent townships , a large number of owner-occupiers and a thriving private schools sector , does have the look and feel of a very well-heeled community .
9 Over a lifetime these two strategies yield almost the same number of offspring but an older male clearly needs the quicker success and he takes the greater risk .
10 The consequence of this is that clearing banks have a very large number of accounts but the average size of the accounts is comparatively small .
11 I can tell you you 're in for some trouble if you start that because I I is you you 're all in trouble if you want to start these smaller committees , we have looked at the committees and as I say we make no apology for the number of committees or the number that 's on 'em .
12 In 1958 , Doisneau was photographing a shepherd and his flock when a lorry careered out of control , killing a number of sheep and the shepherd 's two dogs .
13 We 've had a number of quotations and a number of reports here .
14 As Robert Sklar has suggested , there was no such thing as a typical depression movie ; rather there were a number of formats and an emphasis on production standards and conventions , but now in this new post-1933 dispensation there tended to be far less experimentation .
15 The first is inbuilt , or morphological colour , which depends on the number of chromatophores and the different pigments they contain .
16 The axes of the graph are the number of specimens and the number of dies .
17 For example , if Keith destroys ten brick towers and stabs six dolls with a plastic sword during his play therapy and subsequently attacks only one child during one day at nursery school , are we to record the number of towers , the number of stabs or the number of attacks ?
18 Following the earlier reduction of similar size Amdahl says it has been able to restructure or consolidate a number of operations and the new cuts represent a further streamlining .
19 Following the earlier reduction of similar size Amdahl says it has been able to restructure or consolidate a number of operations and the new cuts represent a further streamlining .
20 We note your concerns regarding an increase in the number of berths and a consequent increase in the movement of craft in the vicinity of Port Edgar .
21 The result was a sharp rise both in the number of claimants and the fees charged by private homes , subsidised by the Exchequer to the tune of one billion pounds by 1988 .
22 By ‘ optimum ’ we mean efficient , and by size we refer to the number of residents and the total expenditure on local public goods .
23 A reduction in the number of matches and the space of time in which they are played is something Mr. Robinson is pressing for .
24 Will the Minister explain what he is going to say to the people of the Holloway area who find themselves in the unenviable position of having the jobcentre with the largest gap between the number of vacancies and the number of registered unemployed ?
25 No systematic attempt is made at this point to resolve the many doubts about the details of Hocazade 's career , particularly the dates of his various appointments , since his career impinges on those of a number of Muftis and the conflicts are more appropriately discussed in detail where they arise in these contexts .
26 The day-to-day management is in the hands of the managing director , and if the number of members or the importance of the functions of the association or its character justifies it , a supervisory board may be created .
27 The remarkable correlation between the increase in the number of lawyers and the increase in the volume of capital ( Smigel 1969 ; Auerbach 1976 ) is thereby explained .
28 The nursing skills the camp followers brought with them , must have reduced the number of fatalities and the contribution made by those who donned male attire , and fought along side their men can not be counted .
29 It is comments like these that lead Mr Lee to say the sheer number of companies and the diversity of their needs will mean the number of links is set to snowball .
30 What causes most distress , however , is not the total number of hours but the inappropriate work expected of junior doctors during this time .
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