Example sentences of "away and [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 But as she seized it in her hand , before her horrified eyes the dried petals fell away and fluttered to the floor , scattering like confetti at her feet .
2 You may first come across this problem when a new baby arrives and suddenly the things she thought of as hers — like her cot — are taken away and given to the ‘ interloper ’ .
3 She parked on a verge some distance away and ran to the roundabout .
4 Myeloski turned away and walked to the river-wall , leant against it .
5 Vincent turned away and staggered to the wire and hung limp across it , his body trembling .
6 When the fish are well on feed I will put one rod away and change to a butt-indicator which allows me to fish more quickly and efficiently .
7 Madge had offered to carry her bag but she drew away and clung to the bannister rail .
8 Then , realising she was still clinging to his arm , she snatched her hand away and moved to the other side of the path .
9 She pulled away and returned to the dining room to find her cigarettes .
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