Example sentences of "part [prep] this [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 As part of this procedure the Authority has been involved in meetings with parents and governors of the schools concerned .
2 However , if oil prices do harden in the latter part of this century the $2.5–3.5 billion lost following the 1982 price fall could be recouped with interest .
3 In the early part of this century the mountain had a sinister reputation , and Ewen MacAskill found it to be no pushover .
4 For a start I think we can discount Bavin 's Bank despite the similarity with the Bavents and the fact that until the early part of this century the foundations of an old building were visible , the reason being that among the Whornes title deeds , Bavins and its adjacent lands are mentioned separately with Langridge .
5 ‘ ( 1 ) For the purposes of this Part of this Act the Court of Appeal may , if they think it necessary or expedient in the interests of justice … ( b ) order any witness who would have been a compellable witness in the proceedings from which the appeal lies to attend for examination and be examined before the court , whether or not he was called in those proceedings ; and ( c ) subject to subsection ( 3 ) below , receive the evidence , if tendered , of any witness .
6 We have experienced quite considerable out migration er in the period since , and we do build in perhaps slightly optimistic erm migration net migration figures compared to the er O P C S er and and D O E figures but they are nevertheless accepted as part of this forecast the regional guidance , on the basis that we have a major regeneration problem in the area , to reiterate what I said this morning .
7 As part of this work the committee must consider any complaints against members .
8 As part of this work the Committee subsequently considered two papers from the Efficiency Commission .
9 As part of this ideology the family is seen as not only the appropriate place to rear and nurture children , but also the fitting place to care for dependent and distressed family members who are disabled or very elderly .
10 To prove the latter part of this point the offence could be pointed out to the defendant , e.g. ’ it is an offence not to be able to show two white lights to the front of your motor car during the hours of darkness ' .
11 In the early part of this decline the crater production rate was high , and this is called the late heavy bombardment ( Figure 8.1 ) , or lhb for short .
12 6.8 The observations above on the behaviour of these adjectives may appear to suggest a surprising degree of linguistic sophistication on the part of ordinary language users ; it may , though , seem less surprising now that we have recognized in the earlier part of this chapter the sense-qualifiers , since these distinctively qualify the property of a noun without constituting a qualification of the corresponding entity .
13 And this venue worked wonderfully for the most successful part of this concert the Poulenc Organ Concerto .
14 In the lower part of this figure the dots indicate the two-dimensional locations of the labelled spots in the right retina of R151 .
15 In an earlier part of this paper the arguments criticizing law 's effectiveness in dealing with the family were summarized .
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