Example sentences of "never [been] [prep] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 He is Joseph Zappala , a Florida property developer , who has never been to Spain and perhaps , more to the point , speaks no Spanish .
2 After all I had never been to London and it is one 's capital city !
3 I had never been to Rome or indeed to Italy before .
4 She had never been to lunch or any other meal alone with Willi since that day , but she was wholeheartedly indebted to him for his kindness , his common sense , his consciousness of the world outside one 's own personal situation .
5 I do n't know if she 's gone alone or with some , or with a friend , but er she said she wanted to , she 'd never been to California and she wanted to go before she was too old and crotchety to get there because David 's he 's in no fit state to go anywhere any more .
6 There 's always lots of action tho' football is a plus , We 've never been to Wembley but we 've seen it from a bus .
7 However , the man penning the ferocious press releases from his antiques shop in Flebridge , Sussex , has never met Mrs W or any of her children , has never been to Orkney and until last October felt ‘ dreadful revulsion ’ for the alleged child abusers in Orkney .
8 She had never been to Ireland and said that she had never read anything about that country , and yet she was able to supply an abundance of detail about the way of life in that place at an earlier time .
9 I was going to ask Mike if he wants to come as an observer because he 's never been to conference and erm
10 ‘ You 've obviously NEVER been in love or you d never think of it so vulgarly !
11 I 've never been in jail and I never wan na find out what it 's like in jail but if you actually ever go to the police station , Harlow police station , they sometimes let people up there and do tours , no one likes being left in the cell cos when the door closes it 's very very small and it 's very claustrophobic , and it 's not very nice .
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