Example sentences of "never [verb] into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I never got into the rat-race — or the brat-race as it is now — because I never wanted to .
2 But many new species , especially the higher animals , had to be described by comparative anatomists who worked in museums and dissecting rooms and who never ventured into the field .
3 The most carefully drafted terms will be useless if they are never incorporated into the client 's contracts .
4 Or , again , one might suppose that this section has extended equitable doctrines to cases to which Equity did not apply them , because they formerly never came into a Court of Equity .
5 Liza was like Mum ; she never came into the shed to help .
6 The shadow on the step , the wind in his eye , the very fact that Fly was here when he never came into the city on weekdays : it all added up to something he could n't quite catch hold of .
7 This in effect meant the delivery of only a handful of other lectures : circumstances ensured that no teacher at the College could expect to become knowledgeable on the diseases of farm animals , which practically never came into the College infirmary for attention .
8 The people never came into the picture .
9 It turned out , when I asked another student about her , that she spent most of her time organizing the Drama Society and almost never came into the department .
10 For reasons best known to the fuel companies , the Gulf crisis never turned into an oil crisis , although petrol prices generally leap up and down quicker than a Tory backbencher during a Neil Kinnock speech if a dealer on the Amsterdam spot market so much as sneezes over his computer screen .
11 Pte Lee Clegg ( 22 ) , who denies murdering 18-year-old Karen Reilly and her friend Martin Peake ( 17 ) , maintained he never fired into the rear of the stolen Vauxhall Astra in which Miss Reilly was a back-seat passenger .
12 When he sat and talked to Jekub , frogs were never dragged into the conversation .
13 Never probe into the canal itself .
14 ‘ Millions of people will see the film who 'd never step into a theatre to save their lives .
15 Four hours a day in a blazing saddle can leave its mark , but my bottom was fine , the terrain being so rough that we never broke into a trot , let alone a gallop .
16 We should never enter into a project without trying to get a
17 I said then I said , Never go into a doctor something wrong .
18 ‘ ENOCH Powell once advised me : ‘ Never go into the Chamber of the House of Commons without a verbal grenade in your pocket ’ , ’ Mr Norman Tebbit wrote in his biography Upwardly Mobile .
19 ‘ I could never go into a home , ’ said Aunt Louise quickly , and with such authority and finality that I dismissed homes from my mind .
20 ‘ I could never go into a home , ’ she said .
21 ‘ I would never go into a match in the Premier League if I had any doubts about the injury .
22 You should never go into an interview without a very clear idea of the person you think would suit the post ideally .
23 I never went into the room again , and I did n't tell anybody .
24 Sitting there in the London bound train ( I had thought it would never come into the station , that the whistle would never blow ) , I saw myself in a play , a melodrama perhaps — I felt I had Runaway Daughter written all over me …
25 A famous recording artist with the group Fleetwood Mac was really frightened by one of the duo and he swears that he will never come into the building again such was his experience .
26 Personally , when facing an Empire army , I never advance into the muzzle of a volley gun ; too often it 's tantamount to suicide .
27 The Def Leppard singer , at No 10 with Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad , admits : ‘ I could never get into a plane and smash things up like some stars do .
28 ‘ Because he stayed in the bath too long and got shrunk , ’ said his grandad , who could never get into the bathroom when he wanted to because William or his mum were usually there , her in the bath or him on the lavatory reading a comic , which was one of his little pleasures in life .
29 ‘ We have us some scum for the cooking pot too ! ’ cried Raphaelo Florienborque , who had never strayed into a kitchen in his life .
30 To his great credit , but contrary to the trend of recent decision-making , Taylor J. was unable to ‘ accept that the court should never inquire into a complaint against a minister if he says his policy is to maintain silence in the interests of national security ’ .
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