Example sentences of "mr [noun prp] [verb] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Crosby has been at the centre of that romance , reviving the club 's fortunes almost immediately after taking over from Denis Smith at Christmas and then inspiring the sort of Cup run last enjoyed by the passionate Roker supporters in the days of Bob Stokoe .
2 Once accorded head-of-state treatment throughout the Arab world , Mr Arafat has been in sharply reduced circumstances since his ill-judged support for Saddam Hussein during the Gulf crisis .
3 Mr Trelawney had been to sea before and knew enough to be useful , and one of the men , Israel Hands , was a careful and experienced seaman who was able to help with almost anything .
4 But Mr Bond has been through it all before .
5 A customs officer involved in the case said Mr Bradburn had been under surveillance for weeks when he was arrested .
6 Mr Stevenson had been on holiday in Wales , and he had been exploring our beautiful mountains and valleys .
7 David O'Neill , a consultant physician , said that Mr Robinson had been in an agitated and delirious state .
8 Mr Day had been with the club since the heady days of the Wembley play offs and he brought to the club new hope in the shape of player manager , Glenn Hoddle after the financial scandles which shook the County Ground .
9 Mr Malik had been at pains to exclude what he continued to call ‘ the loonies ’ — that is to say , anyone whose attitude to the practice of his faith was , in the headmaster 's opinion , excessively enthusiastic .
10 In mitigation Ronald Coia said Mr Siddle had been at his son 's home but decided he had to get away from the festivities .
11 Lately Mr Kaifu has been under pressure to hand out minor cabinet posts to some young stars within the party who had been tainted by the Recruit affair .
12 Mr Katz has been with Dillons for nearly three years — at Hatfield and Kingston — before which he was export divisional manager of Aaronson Bros furniture business .
13 Mr McGowan has been with the Library since 1971 , Keeper of Catalogues between 1978 and 1988 , and most recently Secretary of the Library .
14 Mr MacRae has been at the hotel for five years .
15 Mr Lewis had been to Spain
16 Mr Clancy has been in touch with the Metropolitan Police to say he has Bobby .
17 It is an idea the Pru has been working on for many years , and Mr Lawrence has been at the forefront of the plans .
18 Mr Whitehead has been in the army and well away from Wensleydale .
19 Mr Harris has been on California 's death row for 11 years and has appealed under habeas corpus eight times .
20 Mr Davies has been at loggerheads with Hambleton District Council over the future use of his hotel in Darlington Road .
21 Mr Major had been under pressure to call the meeting from German Chancellor Helmut Kohl , the French and also from the Italians .
22 As Mr Myer had been on duty under somewhat arduous conditions for several months he decided that his nerves were playing tricks on him and that he was having hallucinations .
23 The latter commented on the air raid and that he never expected to see soldiers guarding the tunnel , especially inside the tunnel for a second time , it having been guarded during World War I. The foreman told him that three soldiers had been killed near the spot that Mr Myer had been in the recess the previous night , they had apparently been run down by a train just inside the tunnel mouth .
24 A close friend of the tragic couple said last night that Mr Elton had been under stress since being ousted as a director of oil giant Ultramar .
25 Mr Burrows has been with Allied Dunbar for 16 years .
26 Mr Leslie had been to a railway staff party in a pub called the Flint , which is situated across the road from High Wycombe Station .
27 A senior staff member said that Mr Morgan had been under pressure because of the uncertainty facing the school 's future : ‘ Ronald Morgan was very popular with staff and pupils but he was under pressure because of what will happen here .
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