Example sentences of "much time [conj] they [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a bunch that rides steadily , guided by experienced domestiques who know how to keep going and not lose so much time that they will be eliminated from the Tour as a whole .
2 If training officers themselves are not common , staff who can devote as much time as they would like , to training , ( whatever their title ) appear to be very rare indeed .
3 Charles became as adept at changing nappies and bathing William as Diana , and , even when he was small , both spent as much time as they could with him .
4 Both she and Dr Leitch spent as much time as they could spare talking to the young parents who would come to collect these patients on discharge .
5 There are two girl keepers who spend as much time as they can with him and are giving him so many titbits that he 's getting thoroughly spoiled .
6 They say they will spend as much time as they can together in the interests of their children .
7 In the lakes so , they 're gon na spend as much time as they can round the
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