Example sentences of "much as [pers pn] [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You know the sort of thing I mean : ‘ For as much as ye do it unto one of these my children — ’
2 I am being taken to the realms of the People , who hate nature as much as they hate me , who am unnatural .
3 I 'm buying material where the tape measures are big , so I get extra , and I sell it where the tape measures are small , so they do n't get as much as they think they 've got .
4 We should be in the habit of asking questions of ourselves as much as we ask them of others .
5 The Record Offices of these counties possess a considerable number of awards made by the commissioners , often accompanied by a map showing the new lay-out of the parish , with the fields and roads marked out pretty much as we know them today .
6 Over large tracts of the country , especially in the west and the north , and to a considerable extent in the south-east also , the pattern of field and and hedgerow , hamlet and farm , road and lane , had established itself pretty much as we know it .
7 In other words they are being totally unfair in that process and as a result of this more people are likely to suffer as a result of fire Council and savings which are clearly er is proposed er that is Conservative review that we should not be using new money or money within the environment budget which is better stretched for all the other services , to find that other fire fighters as much as we agree they are needed when clearly there is another pot of money which was available for this service and which the other two groups have decided they will take
8 Blue here corresponds to 1.6 mm , and shows the cloud tops much as we see them at optical wavelengths .
9 The one area where we are not doing as much as we think we should is the Midlands ; that is why we are opening there . ’
10 In her heart she thought : Kind as she has been to me , and much as I respect her , your wife , my lord , is the last lady living to whom I am likely to apply .
11 Er in so much as I mean I must admit with these increases , I appreciate your need to get the extra profits and I 'm looking at the ones where I think we can push them to get a bit more .
12 You should actually say , ‘ They need me as much as I need them . ’
13 As much as I love her I did n't realise what I was taking on , she 's absolutely obsessed with Paul McCartney . .
14 I think I love you as much as I love him . ’
15 I hope that all this is of some help to the new knitters and will encourage them to learn to lover their Duomatics as much as I love mine .
16 remember ours , it would not be flat smells of cat but not only that if it weed on me carpet as much as I love it I might get a
17 Mr Essex says music is a two-way thing : ‘ My pupils inspire me as much as I inspire them . ’
18 But nevertheless , they 're very much as I see it , on the border .
19 ‘ Not as much as I want you , sabiha tieghi , my beautiful one . ’
20 Of the fact that , however hard you try to adopt that indifferent expression , underneath you want me every bit as much as I want you . ’
21 ‘ As much as I want you ? ’
22 Do you want me even half as much as I want you ?
23 Before I 'm finished you 'll want me as much as I want you . ’
24 ‘ As much as you trust me ? ’
25 As a textile man I do n't mind woolliness too much but I do object to vagueness because this motion is so vague that it can mean as much as you want it to mean while , at the same time , it says to little as to leave an escape route for it 's supporters .
26 er and you can have as much as you want I believe
27 The procedure is to spend a few hours ( as much as you feel you need ) studying the NZ Visual Flight Guide ( an officially-produced , loose-leaf sort of Flyer VFR Organiser or Pooley 's Guide equivalent ) and getting to know the various local vagaries of VFR , as well as learning to read an interpret the New Zealand half-million charts .
28 He began toying with a beermat while Rachel , emboldened by his leading questions about her , went on , ‘ May one ask why , if you were enjoying it out there as much as you say you were ? ’
29 I do n't think I understand as much as you think I do ! ’
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