Example sentences of "much to [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , there is much to be lost by so doing because it hinders the conceptualising and hence the realisation of law 's distinctive contribution to peace .
2 This recording is the product of thinking musicians aware that , in spite of the recent recorded outpouring of these celebrated trio sonatas , there is still much to be discovered about them .
3 There is much to be said for such a theory .
4 The envoy pleaded that there was much to be said for the Duke , to which Gustavus replied that there was much to be said for lice by those who cared for them .
5 The envoy pleaded that there was much to be said for the Duke , to which Gustavus replied that there was much to be said for lice by those who cared for them .
6 Although there is much to be said for freedom of information , it is not clear that it would greatly help individual aggrieved citizens .
7 If this is the case , rather than attempt to invent a new conceptual framework , there is much to be said for turning to marriage as the one , already existing legal concept which has the obvious potential for expansion so as to provide the institutional framework for such a union .
8 Yet there is much to be said for thinking of the general , the ‘ disinterested ’ , and what I have called the theoretical as one and the same .
9 There is often much to be said for trying to sort the matter out by pursuing your rights under your company 's grievance procedure .
10 In these circumstances there was much to be said for sticking to forms that were known and accepted ; and in spite of the great list of possible wordings in PS , the Digest does not give the impression that the more obscure terms were much used .
11 There is much to be said for interpreting a modality such as ‘ when he reaches the age of sixteen ’ as a condition rather than a term .
12 This approach has much to be said for it , and certainly makes for equal treatment for shareholders , creditors and third parties , and equal terms in these respects for establishment in each member state .
13 Dixon J ( one of the most powerful judges to have graced the Australian bench ) , however , regarded s.4 bluntly as ‘ a restriction upon British parliamentary supremacy of the law ’ , ( ‘ The Law and the Constitution ’ , ( 1935 ) 51 LQR 611 ) , and there is much to be said for preferring his view .
14 Such occasions will inevitably involve grief and the shedding of tears , but there is much to be said for that .
15 Perhaps after all there was much to be said for remaining independent , carving out your own orbit .
16 When there is disagreement , there is much to be said for retreating specifically to consider the model rather than the problem .
17 The states which made it up can be classified in several ways , but there is much to be said for distinguishing European states which had already existed in 1815 from those which had come into existence later .
18 There is much to be said for this explanation .
19 In instrumental terms there is much to be said for the informal approach .
20 The ‘ case-work ’ approach had much to be said for it in that it entailed a serious attempt to analyse the nature of the problem confronting the individual or family and to achieve a lasting solution without removing the clients from their familiar environment .
21 Unless , therefore , we decide to resist the proposal , however strong may be its supporters in the House of Commons , there is much to be said for taking the initiative and inserting in the Bill , as introduced , a clause for the abolition of the death penalty .
22 There is also much to be said for having a target for completion from the outset and for planning in advance the sequence of meetings that will result in that target being met .
23 There is much to be said for continuing the practice of reading to children right through the later primary years , letting them hear the cadences of book language and , where possible , letting them follow the text as well .
24 On the other hand , there is not much to be said for a speciality in women 's media because the field is too broad and general .
25 The Renaissance pulpit and the extremely grand organ above the west door have much to be said for them , but the overall effect of the interior is to drive you straight outside again to the restorative severity of tower , porch and portal .
26 While there may be much to be said for the views expressed in this passage it seems to me with all respect to Wilson J. that she was stating what she thought the law ought to be rather than what it is .
27 However , where funds can be round , the award of bursaries for education and music tuition has much to be said for it .
28 To go back a little , there is much to be said for spending six months to a year ( a small-minded regulation forbids any longer time ) in a solicitor 's office before pupillage .
29 From the point of view of policy , therefore , there is much to be said for the view that no independent tort is committed when all that is threatened , in the two-party situation , is a breach of contract , though there is not very much authority for such a proposition .
30 There is much to be said for such increased participatory rights .
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