Example sentences of "think we [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 British investigative writer Anthony Summers says : ‘ I think we have to be extremely cautious .
2 I think we have to be freed up to have the choice to bring children into a society where that we can go to work , that we can do , you know fulfilling
3 As a Board though there is nothing to stop us stating the option in our Newsletter , but I think we have to be very careful of the tone and wording that we use .
4 One thing that I think we have to be very careful about , if we did legalize cannabis there would be a proportion of adolescents who would get a great kick out of it , but there would those who do n't get the kick because it 's not illegal .
5 I think we have to be very careful we do n't take reactions which actually negate some of the work and the common sense that has been undertaken at the moment .
6 I think we have to be a little bit careful about this because , of course , erm the feeling is not that once they 've been in the job for a little while that they are still amateurs , it 's merely that we do n't require them to know a great deal about what they 're going to do before they start .
7 So I think we seem to be agreed that there , we 'll attempt to hold a seminar on Friday the ninth here in this Council chamber .
8 Erm so that 's a a whole of responses to this , I think we need to be far more clear in our opposition to this , I think it 's a very dangerous situation it 's one that 's happening across the country , we 're not the only sufferers and I think consortia have been very dangerous things from the beginning , and are leading inextricably to the merger that we we put before us as a proposal tonight , and I think we really should be quite strenuous in our position to it .
9 I think we need to be theoretically and politically clear that no single culture is hermetically sealed off from others .
10 ‘ All I 'm saying is that I think we need to be apart for a while , come down to earth , if you like .
11 So yeah , I support the Committee , I think on the question of the report I think we need to be absolutely specific about what committee deal with what issue of that report .
12 we 're not doing it again , I do n't think she will , but I mean I think we need to be sort of positive about how we are going to sort of
13 So having said that I thought that there were more important issues for the council to discuss , I do n't think it 'd be fair to let this second debate on the subject pass without actually making a few er er a very short erm a few short remarks cos I think we need to be clear about the issues .
14 But I think we need to be clear whether we are talking about ordained or lay people and further on in the discussion whether we can indeed justify that division .
15 Yes , but er I think that erm , before we champion er , or back er people like Mr Yeltsin and say that they rep represent progressive forces , I 'd like to be clear about where those forces see themselves going , because I do n't see nationalism as a progressive force in the er , in the last decade of the twentieth century , I think we need to be concentrating on those people who are trying to build a new international order rather than splitting things up in the Soviet Union in a way which may be catastrophic .
16 I think we need to be a bit more positive than that .
17 The glamour adverts are about what they think we want to be , then there are the other kind that are supposedly about reality — you know , the ones where they always have Northern accents .
18 I think we want to be encouraging young people because you told me that they 're all quite keen to do something for Save The Children Fund now it 's the seventy fifth year .
19 As far as er the honourable gentleman for Edinburgh Central is concerned , he said there was a case for a wider inquiry into the auditing o of companies , well that is not something specifically called for er by Bingham although I acknowledge that a case can be made for that but I think we want to be extremely careful before extending that in the way that he and the honourable member for Great Grimsby proposed beyond the direct er responsibility to the members or the owners of the company .
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