Example sentences of "think it [be] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I think it 's just our culture as well
2 Then her eyes flashed open as she said doubtfully , ‘ I suppose you think it 's just my silly imagination . ’
3 No , I think it 's just I think they plan well according er to John yesterday they planned it this way .
4 Simon I think it 's just I , I know where the hand is look
5 Erm I think it 's just it 's just personal erm preference really
6 I think it 's partly you .
7 We think it 's probably your girl — the ring on the finger fits the description and her parents are local . ’
8 Oh , yeah I do , I do n't remember what 's er I think it 's well it 's three is n't it , altogether ?
9 It probably was I think it 's actually it 's been made from cubic hair er pubic hair sorry .
10 I think it 's maybe it 's turned to muscle , I do n't know .
11 Stan at the local off-licence is my guide on this , though I think it 's really his way of getting rid of old stock .
12 Well I 'm sure this er I think it 's certainly nothing serious , it
13 Well , I think it 's like everything else , I think that er , with , with Lawrence being off they 're just sort of meeting everything as a crisis and getting , getting
14 I think it was nearly your your area .
15 Well it depends how you want to deal with it , I mean erm , this , the , the , the I think it was just my idea last year of , of sort of erm sharing some of the load I think at that point and hoping that someone could perhaps take over , erm , this just says the following should be elected , A , Chair , B , Secretary and C , Treasurer , but erm
16 No I think just dedication and we , if we made an appearance maybe something would come to a head , things would get sorted , if we just said forget it then stay at home , then the quarry managers would say right forget it , we 'll get another workforce in , you know it was , I think it was just I think some were dedicated to the job and sort of gave it their best , whereas others were slightly you know , willy nilly about it and well I 'll turn up today cos it the weather looks nice , or I 'll turn up today because the wife is n't off and or the gas has run out or whatever .
17 I think , I think it was more he thought if he did n't do his clearing up he might get the sack , so
18 I think it was then I tried to work out her relationship to Gómez , but the complexity of it made it difficult to grasp .
19 Jo Spence I think it was then I was ill that I understood for the first time what it was to be a victim .
20 I mean for a while I think it was maybe my glasses , but these are just new
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