Example sentences of "think of the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But think of the way pundits have to work for years and years to earn that money .
2 For my part , I sometimes think of the film Psycho as I walk up the bleaker staircases to people 's homes in Hackney .
3 After all , think of the category A priorities in SHAPE .
4 How many think of the credit column .
5 Think of the manufacturing industries fighting head to head with Japan — cars , semiconductors , computers , telecommunications .
6 Just think of the capital investment required to manufacture cars , steel or cornflakes .
7 ( Think of the opening chords of the slow movement of Schubert 's ‘ Unfinished ’ , for instance . )
8 I always think of the winter brassicas — sprouting broccoli , sprouts , winter savoys , spring-heading cauliflower and kale — as the ‘ heavy brigade ’ .
9 Italians think of the state system much as Britons used to regard ‘ Auntie ’ and not for nothing is it known as ‘ Mamma RAI ’ .
10 ‘ Whatever you think of the tax programme , whatever you think of the spending cuts , consider the cost of not changing . ’
11 You know , we sometimes think of the World Church as being something that 's out there beyond us , but we are the World Church are n't we ?
12 We pray for Your world and think of the news items that have been headlines in the last few days .
13 It 's really not too painful , it sounds painful , but if you think of the eye area being very small , it really does n't take long .
14 On the other hand of course it 's the old old story , it 's like some of the other competitions which we endure rather in the early stages , when you think of the Freight Rover and er one or two others as well .
15 All this is in striking contrast to the complacency and not-invented-here syndrome that has helped to bring many a big firm down ( think of the motor industry ) .
16 If you think of the environment Gerry Conlon was in when he was wrongfully arrested — that world of squats and lodging houses and casual labour — that 's the world I knew when I was younger .
17 ‘ And when I think of the Third-World mothers who do n't even have a roof , and who still manage to love and care for their children , it 's very humbling .
18 ‘ Whatever you think of the tax programme , whatever you think of the spending cuts , consider the cost of not changing . ’
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