Example sentences of "think [pers pn] would [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 erm , where I set out my interpretation of what that means , and I do n't think it 's very helpful to read that out to you , but I think you will find that it 's er erm a very broad er description of what the new settlement should be seeking to achieve , now Mr erm I think has misunderstood our position on this question of erm the appropriate size for the new settlement , and I think if I 'm correct he suggested that we were promoting a a size of fourteen hundred , the point I think I would make is that the larger the new settlement erm the greater the range and the quality of services and facilities that can be provided , and I think you have to distinguish between what developers say they are prepared to provide , on the one hand in a new settlement , whatever the size , the quality of the retail or recreational social facility that occupies that physical provision , and also its long term viability , and I would suggest that a larger new settlement of the size that we are suggesting , is much more likely to er attract a range of quality providers of services and facilities than a smaller new settlement , and also Mr Grantham er raised the issue of the question of the development program , and what might be expected in terms of services and erm during the development program , and of course I think that would be a matter for any specific proposal , or a ma a matter of discussion between the local planning authority concerned and the developer , and I would expect it to be something erm that was included within a section one O six agreement .
2 ‘ I was bumped on to the rail six or seven times and I think I would have been in the first four but for that , ’ he said .
3 ‘ Now I think I would have been better with a woman , as you are , no ?
4 I think I would have been tempted to do that .
5 but you had a eight to finish with which is finishing and a one , two , three might not be and a better run so I think I would have been tempted to finish with the ace flush there try and stop me rather than trying to win it cos you had nothing else did you ?
6 I think we would have been friends .
7 If the others had realized just how totally in charge he was I think they would have been very jittery .
8 Levi would have understood that challenge , just as I think he would have been happy to agree that it is possible to speak without contradiction of the literal imagination .
9 Asked how Morse might have reacted to it , he said : ‘ I think he would have been rather chuffed like I am .
10 1 think he would have been amused rather than otherwise at finding his own dishes reappearing as specialities of the starry restaurants of the 1970s , and pleased that reforms in the matter of lighter meals and more logical sauce and vegetable cookery which he had preached in the 1930s have at last been put into practice .
11 Asked how Morse might have reacted to it , he said : ‘ I think he would have been rather chuffed like I am .
12 I think it would have been nice to announce the passing of these old trams ; there should have been a farewell trip on the Promenade ’ .
13 ‘ I think it would have been provocative , ’ he says .
14 Had that gone in , I think it would have been justice because of the way our players responded .
15 ‘ I think it would have been brilliant if they 'd given him more of a chance and if he 'd given a bit more .
16 I think it would have been better to get community work instead of prison — something to do .
17 I think it would have been the Zetland , and — who knows — Mrs Field may have been riding with them that day .
18 Lorton said : ‘ I still think it would have been better to kill him . ’
19 While useful , I think it would have been preferable to show the entire sentence , but you can at least note the identified points and refer to the main body of text later .
20 ‘ No , I think it would have been easier just to take his word for it that I 'd boobed , fallen down on the job .
21 I think it would have been perhaps better if you , somehow er , maybe er I du n no , you could erm , nothing to do with you so you ri you 're not in a position to be able to move them erm but if it was possible to put them in a , a different situation I think would have made a more interesting picture .
22 Erm however we would wish to see that policy complemented by the inclusion of the strategic exceptions policy erm and we know that I know that 's to be discussed tomorrow but I will mention now that I think it would have been much more useful to the discussion if we 'd have been able to discuss the strategic sites issue as part of this debate .
23 I think it would have been absurd to have imposed upon police authorities a uniform number
24 But when I think it would have been just eight years from completion now , up to a height of about 400 feet , I think it 's sad we did n't get permission to build it .
25 I think it would have been a disaster and a recipe for disaster because practically if you know what the situation is in the Moat Centre and the Highfields youth and community centre then people would have never resisted to that change .
26 Erm , just a short note , if you see the big lot of over there , and er , I think it would have been probably easier trying to describing it .
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