Example sentences of "made a great [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The advent of the private car has made a greater percentage of the population mobile , we can reach many different areas today by private car .
2 During the sixth century , craftsmen were increasingly operating from workshops , employed by those who had made a greater success in the agricultural way of life and were able to support a greater number of specialists and farmworkers .
3 Indeed , it could be argued that the collective influence of the processes discussed in this chapter have made a greater impact on the cities and those living within them than has inner-city policy .
4 We concur with the DCSLs who felt that Major award schools had put more thinking into their documentation and that the larger funding had made a greater impact on provision , management and the physical organisation and appearance of the library .
5 In all cases the necessity of balancing professional and academic requirements has been recognised , with the inexorable move toward a ‘ graduate ’ profession being accepted responsibly , though more slowly than for similar professions : ‘ It is a matter for concern that , compared with other professions surveying has not made a greater impact upon university life and thought in general ’ ( Wells Report , 1960 ) .
6 Even so , it may be doubted that he would have made a greater impact upon the course of history .
7 Despite the fanfare which greeted the launch of the Air 180 last year , the subsequent arrival of the Air Huarache had made a greater impression on our testers , who have found it to be both innovative and effective .
8 The secondary teachers ' unions , particularly the Joint Four , had made a great outcry about the exodus of the grammar school teachers from the profession .
9 The new team members have already made a great dent on the company 's lunch budget , by wining and dining garden centre owners and agricultural merchants .
10 Long before we arrived , Herr Wendling had made a great reputation for him and has now introduced him to all his friends .
11 He had made a great reputation in Berlin between the wars .
12 The Mill Hill priests who started Sasse in 1939 have made a great contribution to the national life of this young African country .
13 This work has made a great contribution to our understanding of the subject , although the structural diversity of port wine stains confounds the best attempts at mathematical modelling and there is no substitute for good clinical assessments and comparisons of different laser systems .
14 He has made a great contribution to anchoring the art of architecture to real life , real science and real modernity …
15 It 's made a great thoroughfare in the dining area and broken the dining area up a bit .
16 Pendle Consultants Ltd , the Yorkshire-based training and recruitment specialists , have made a great success of recruiting inexperienced staff after putting them through an unorthodox interview procedure , designed to reveal personal strengths and weaknesses of potential sales personnel , rather than stressing their previous experience .
17 In the leader column last week , on the same day Young Group 's shares were suspended , the newspaper felt sufficiently confident of Mr Young 's expertise to write : ‘ He is a man who has until recently made a great success of his business and it would be sad for the North-East if he did not continue to have a part to play . ’
18 In summary then , the action project appears not to have made a great deal of difference to people 's receipt of other services , except that it has probably kept some sufferers away from day care and has increased home help hours for its own clients ( and probably allayed the need for home help among other clients ) .
19 Luckily in all three of the situations outlined above , the carers have eventually discovered that support for them is available and this has made a great deal of difference to their lives .
20 The Cuban director of immigration had made a great deal of money from previous boatloads of Jews ; the President of Cuba had not made enough money from them .
21 I 've made a great deal of progress , as you can see . ’
22 Electric immersion heater , er , ah , oh of course we had an Ideal boiler under there and it , that 's what heated this kitchen actually an Ideal boiler and it heated the water in the winter and also heated the , and in the summer we let that out and had an immersion heater , well being in the electrical trade we had an immersion heater all the time and if we wanted to top up from the boiler we used to just put the immersion heater on for a erm week or so and get hot water and then let it go off in the winter time , you know , but er we have n't made a great deal of alteration to this place really , we 've put a new front door on fairly recently , that was one of the things that er was very ugly , they , the back of the front of the doors to look at , ooh they were ugly doors
23 I have no interest myself in Michener or a lot of the writers of very long sagas erm who have made a great deal of money out of it .
24 After all it was introduced , and Mrs Thatcher has made a great deal of the fact that it is a head tax not a property tax , it 's the voters she wants answerable , well I 've yet to find an empty house that voted .
25 ‘ Oh , he knuckled under , but the young man made a great show of being a soldier and the McLaggans went to cool him down . ’
26 She has made a great difference to me , she was wonderful .
27 The sofa bed or studio couch has made a great difference to one-room living .
28 But moving house has made a great difference for me .
29 He was made a great pet of by Edouard 's manservant , George , and by his cook .
30 I had a sudden flash of memory of one of the most remarkable women I had ever met — Sister Kenny , a woman who had made a great impact on me because of Clare .
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