Example sentences of "in [conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Law Commission 's original suggested draft sections ( para 132-135 of Report No 69 ) were clearer in that they specifically stated the purpose of preventing the enforcement of clauses , invalid under the preceding sub-sections , by calling in the rule .
2 The latter is of interest only in that he still manages to stay alive given the muck he is reported to pour daily into his ailing system .
3 Yes , is n't , those are for my mother 's day bouquets and I just stick them in and they just come out in the vase .
4 Well then if , if someone was breaking in and they probably do n't go through doors , burglars , I 've never really studied it but
5 Probably what goes in and nothing else happens .
6 Re Reg er er , er say we had er say , twenty ton o twenty ton of oats come in and we soon used them up before the next lot , I 'll start on the next lot he , the sample man 'd come in , you know , sample in come them oats he 'd come up perhaps , when they come in , check the first two or three sacks with me , you see , and then I 'd have to get a rubber get a bowl full of oats , bowl full of whole oats put into the rubber , see and get a bowl full of whole and put them through the crusher and crush the main , like , you know , like we used to have , just squeeze them , you know crack them
7 What if Madreidetic wo n't give in and we really have to blow Steel City ?
8 You 've got to be twenty one to vote there but if you 're , you 're eighteen and you go in and somebody else says you 're twenty one you can vote .
9 What I 'll do is I 'll read you the first paragraph of rule six and actually bend the rule and put those words in and it really does n't make any sense at all , so listen carefully on this one and do n't be surprised if you do n't understand me .
10 You walked in and I just followed you . ’
11 They lack confidence , simple as that and one of the things is that as a group you come in and you probably look at people when you and you look at the trainers and the idea is that early on people can do , can keep some eye contact gon na stare you out but just keeping your eyes and do n't flit away and also when you 're under pressure at this stage his eyes challenge you or something like that , then your eyes go down .
12 ‘ He threw you in and you either sank or swam . ’
13 A new craze had swept in and he just had n't seen it coming .
14 I really I was seeing her , because I was n't happy about the publicity , the way it had described audio description I did n't think it was good and Alex was unhappy about the way they were describing some language things , which cos they 're not doing erm , and we just went in and he just said right just , erm well I 've kept you some seats for a performance on the sixteenth of September , this was about the
15 Do mind the baby , children , oh dear , he always wants to join in and he invariably gets trodden underfoot — ’
16 well he was in and he never wrote anything down and he got a fucking queen 's thingie after a year put him out
17 He says , we know that you 're a great teacher , you 've come from God otherwise you could n't do these things , and er , he was undoubtedly gon na go and ask , and start asking some questions from then , but Jesus comes straight in and he really deals with the issue , the real problem in Nicodemus 's life .
18 And it was Nelson who held her when her own shock set in and she quietly wept .
19 eight o'clock this morning , who the hell that was from , I do n't know , I was out the washing line I come flying in but I never got it , and nobody 's rung .
20 Yeah , but basically from , from that programme all , all the er , you can see all the resources were really being used all week and , but I had a problem when we came to do the bedrooms that er , you can there , we ran out of work for the decorators to do er removing this thing , once you 've removed and then I managed to squeeze in , but where the second decorator 's erm up to room twenty-three but rather than erm have just one gang than , and not , not using as many as the resources as we possibly could I let them gave the second gang a few rooms that they could actually squeeze in without interrupting I 've let them do up to room twenty-three and then and then basically the carpenting and they have to come in after everybody else has done what they Monday morning basically we just decided that we really needed more resources the earlier sequence of events to , to get so we were getting to so whether we 've been given
21 When I went in before they really like er
22 It 's just they like you to , to slip in before you actually start to .
23 Right Leona , can you , can you just go over s the places you lived in before you actually moved to the flat ?
24 Yet the list of play-off records he set — .650 batting average , 13 hits , 24 total bases — fails to convey the full magnitude of his achievement , coming in as he often did at moments of unbelievable pressure , and usually delivering the vital hit .
25 No come off the throw in as you rightly said John .
26 Verbose as in when they actually said things , they they did a lot of talking .
27 But there was somebody in in the street where I lived , who was a spiv , and he was considered to be the black sheep of the family , did n't quite fit in when everybody else did .
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