Example sentences of "as [det] [noun] as we " in BNC.

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1 I want to do this thing as well as it can be done , and with as few deaths as we can manage .
2 ‘ It 's important we get as much experience as we can .
3 Could we have people to pay the six pound a night and erm you know a hundred and forty four to start with and just ask people to pay the six pound a night anyway and just get as much back as we can ?
4 So we thought , No if we can stop them to speak to them cos at the end of the day we ca n't actually stop them going up , we can give them as much harassment as we can yes er and keep within the law .
5 They paid the headman of the village five hundred rupees and all of us had to streak through the forest making as much noise as we possibly could to round up the game .
6 ‘ Like all hospitals , we do n't have as much money as we would like but generally speaking things for us have been getting better , ’ she said .
7 We need twice as much money as we 're getting at the moment .
8 Of course we were supplied with as much milk as we wanted , plenty of milk .
9 We destroy as much life as we think necessary for our own sustenance and preservation .
10 ‘ A ’ were with dressable wounds for the medical wards , ‘ B ’ were for the theatre , as they had wounds needing operative treatment , ‘ C ’ were for as much morphia as we could give them for a quiet inevitable death , ‘ D ’ were corpses .
11 The possibility that future generations will read our textbooks with about as much comprehension as we might scan a Renaissance text on the cabbala is rather unnerving .
12 But there is still a great lack of clarity and we are not prepared to pretend that we know the answer , thereby running the risk of causing at least as much damage as we do good .
13 We try to make it as much fun as we can .
14 And I hope they have as much fun as we used to when we were younger . ’
15 Now , I know it is sometimes bad to be very narrow in your outlook but I think it was a good idea to focus on , we consider as a pretty high priority and make as much progress as we can , without forgetting other things and try and teach ourselves to do something within a fairly short space of time .
16 If the families who received our hampers had as much pleasure as we did in planning them , then it was all worth while .
17 I regret I am not likely to lose weight in China , as their habit , at least in Peking , is to give us at least twice as much food as we need , and however much we gently suggest that three platefuls rather than six would be sufficient , they still go on just the same .
18 The final result was a joint paper by Penrose and myself in 1970 , which at last proved that there must have been a big bang singularity provided only that general relativity is correct and the universe contains as much matter as we observe .
19 ‘ We have given our account teams as much authority as we possibly can , ’ says Chris Lever , Digital 's group effectiveness portfolio manager .
20 When we make our rounds today , we are to shift as much stock as we can .
21 We Brits now drink twice as much wine as we did ten years ago the equivalent of half a bottle of wine a week for every man and woman in the country .
22 Arising out of her description , we set about grouping modal verb forms according to their meaning , making as much use as we could of both negative and positive forms .
23 We keep as much power as we can in Britain and we devolve as much of that as we can to our regions .
24 As part of the preparations for the move , we need to identify and separate the original artworks from the printed material , assess the conservation needs for this category , and list as much information as we can on each item — artist , illustration type , plant name , date .
25 In our Western diet we eat more than twice as much protein as we need , and of an unhealthy type .
26 ‘ If you take as much trouble as we do in BP to get the words and information right , it would be silly to dish them up in an unattractive package , ’ Brigg adds .
27 For the next 2½ years we spent as much time as we could at the melin .
28 ‘ When you spend as much time as we did trying to stop others scoring tries , you do n't have much time to argue with the ref ’ — ZIMBABWE 's REPRESENTATIVE when accepting the World Cup Fair Play Award .
29 We already had the French and Germans with us , and we divided the remaining eighty-odd delegates between us so that on the day before the first meeting we could explain our intentions and our reasoning to as many delegates as we could find .
30 I mean , a lot , I can say with on the youths , I think were doing , were , were , were walking with young people at the local levels of various places in the town you know , we 've got , we have n't got as many resources as we want yet , but were still trying to do that , well I actually feel , on youth we 're doing quite a good job you know , expensive job you know , that we are , and , and all that concerns you raise , were certainly aware of .
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