Example sentences of "as [adj] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I have not used any other accounting type program that is as easy to install and use within minutes of opening the package .
2 The 3U high layout of the R450 makes it as easy to understand and use as any pocket tuner .
3 It is not as easy to apply or follow as Halliday 's system .
4 Modern interferometers covering the mid-IR region ( 4000–200 cm -1 ) include fast mini-computers required for the Fourier transformation , and are almost as easy to operate as scanning spectrophotometers .
5 Would that as many animal lovers were as quick to speak and defend dumb animals instead of staying silent as so many do .
6 Natural parents find it just as hard to understand and meet the needs of their adolescent children .
7 However , without being too pedantic about it , there are clear differences which it is as well to realize and bear in mind .
8 Erm , I understand that erm somebody from the unit has had talked to your group before , but it 's just as well to come and talk to you again because we 've changed the Local Government Unit , not the same erm , unit that it was when we were first introduced , we 've grown basically .
9 The leader still has the same weaknesses and strengths as any other man and it is as well to study and know them .
10 Phoenix Park , at the top end of the biggest park in any European city , is altogether more atmospheric , with Tudor-style buildings , bookmakers who are just as happy to take and pay out in sterling as in punts , and bands and clowns to provide extra entertainment .
11 This approach is useful for people who regard themselves as unable to analyse and rationalise .
12 It is just as important to expect and recognise the body 's warning signals of neurogenic shock so that it can be effectively treated .
13 At least with this disease there is no doubt as to its existence , although the causative organism is as difficult to grow and identify as that of chancroid .
14 But whatever I do ( and I do plenty ) I can not change Rainbow 's belief that it is as blessed to give as to receive .
15 ‘ It 's as blessed to receive as to give — at least I hope !
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